How to install FAST.COM or SPEED.COM on your system. If you are using any of the following disk controllers, then the .COM files will work as they are distributed. Tarbell single density Digital Systems or Digital Microsystems (single density) Intel MDS 800 or iSBC-201 If you are using any of the following disk controllers, then you will have to insall the appropriate patch file named below: Thinkertoys Discus double density DSCUSPAT.HEX Digital Systems double density DMSPATCH.HEX If you are using something else with a physical sector size other than 128, you will have to be a hacker and examine the various patch files, FAST.ASM, and the skew tables in your SYSGEN and BDOS. Good luck. If you manage to get a good speed improvement on some controller not listed above, please send a listing of the patch to the author: Robert A. Van Valzah 1140 Hickory Trail Downers Grove, IL 60515 Thank you. If you have a single density controller other than those listed above, then use the follwoing procedure: You will need a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand. Pick some operation that takes a fixed amount of time, like PIPing a file around or assembling something. Something that takes about 30 to 60 seconds is good. Execute it without FAST, and record the execution time from when you hit return to when you see the 'A>' again. Now try the same thing with FAST (see FMAN.PRN for instructions), and record the execution time. If it got faster (look for 20 - 30%) then you are all set and can use FAST.COM and SPEED.COM as supplied. If it got slower or stayed the same, then you'll need RSPEED.COM. Load RSPEED and enter the number of sectors per track (most likely 26). Start with a skew factor of 1 and time how long it takes to read a track (the time from when you hit return to when you get the prompt again). Now increase the skew to 2 or 3 and time a track read again. Sooner or later, you should note a marked decrease in the track read time. The skew factor you are then using is the fastest your controller can read an entire track. Integrate the file SKEWnPAT.HEX into FAST.COM and SPEED.COM where n is the skew obtained above. How to integrate a patch file: It's simple, all you need is DDT.COM. DDT FAST.COM or for speed: DDT SPEED.COM IfooPAT.HEX R G0 SAVE 8 FASTX.COM or for speed: SAVE 17 SPEEDX.COM And test the new file, it should be as fast as your system can go. Enjoy your trip!.