DABA i Hebre vocabular drillin system I i writte i Microsoft BASIC and is designed to run on most computer systems. Th syste allow yo t ente hundred o word i Hebrew Th syste ca the us thse word t dril yo o Hebre vocabulary Word tha ar misse ar repeate unti yo lear them an the are periodicly recalled throughout the drill to review you. Words are displayed on your screen in large, easy to read Hebrew. The sytem contains the following features: 1. Wide system compatibility. 2. Customizing of character set possible. 3. Large potential vocabulary files (over 2500 words). 4 Printe vocabular listing i eithe sorte o non-sorte form which will print on any 80-character printer. 5. Easy word entry with lots of chances to correct mistakes. 6. Capability to easily correct any errors in vocabulary file. 7. Three different kinds of drills, all of which keep a running scor (t increas you motivation! an whic wil periodically re-ask words you have missed. Thi softwar i copyrighte an i release o SHAREWAR basi at a cost of $10. For more information see the file DABAR.WS T begi usin th syste ru UNCR2 o al files The refe t DABAR.WS for full documentation.