TRANSFER.COM (Version 1.0), available in SIG/M Volume 256, seems to be the answer to those who have had a hard time trying to extract files from the SIG/M volumes available from PACS in the 'standard' MS-DOS format. I am sure there will be future versions with increased power and flexibility. I have tested the present version with a Model 4 under Montezuma's CP/M 2.2, BIOS version 2.31. I was able to transfer all files from several PACS disks into Montezuma formats, and the process was fast and easy. On the negative side, and less important, I tried, but was not able to copy files from CP/M to MS-DOS; but the problem many CP/M users were facing seems to be solved. The alternatives offered by SuperCross and DBLCROSS are not free. The TRANSFER.DOC file included in the library indicates that TRANSFER.COM should be installed for the specific terminal used with TFR-INST. In the case of the Model 4, the terminal selected should be ADM 3A. Two more considerations are in order: first, a 40 track Double Sided drive is needed to read the MS-DOS disk; second, that drive should be configured as 'foreign' to the system. This last step is done by running CONFIG. Select option G. Redefine the drive you will be using for the MS-DOS disk as: 'IBM under CP/M 86, 40 track, Double Sided, 316K' Ignore the asterisk in the description; do not install the extension to the BIOS, EXBIOS, or you will not be able to read the MS-DOS disk correctly. Please send any comments, especially if you find how to move files from CP/M to MS-DOS using TRANSFER.COM. Luis M. Garcia-Barrio, Sysop 8/N/1 #4, (215) 848-5728