Revisons to COPYFAST.ASM version 4.3 The file CPYFST43.ASM has been revised and named CPYFSTU.ASM (COPYFAST UNIVERSAL version). This is due to the fact that COPYFAST will now extract information from the BIOS Disk Parameter Block and calculate the track number for the first data track (2 for most 8" disks and 3 or 4 for 5-1/4" disks) and the total number of tracks on the disk. The BIOS sector translation table is also used for data track reads and writes. This should eliminate the need for a custom version of COPYFAST for every disk format. While these modifications yield a more universal version of the program, the copy speed may not always be as fast as possible. This applies in particular to the IBM 3740 SS/SD 8" disk since it has a sector skew of 6 and many controllers can easily handle a skew of 1 or 2. If you copy a large number of a certain disk format it may be worthwhile to set the BXTBL equate to FALSE in the .ASM file and insert read and write skew tables that are optomized for the format of interest. The current tables are for the IBM 3740 format. Type CFU $? to get a list of usage instructions. CFU.COM is the general version of COPYFAST. CF3740.COM is the IBM 3740 8" version of COPYFAST and may need customizing for your controller.