10 CLEAR 25000 :DEFINT B-Z 15 CS$=CHR$(12) '** define clear screen 20 REM clear screen and opening message 25 PRINT CS$ :PRINT "Mandala generator" 40 PRINT "Create a (N)ew plot, (P)rint an pre-existing file or" 45 INPUT "'X' to exit program (N/P/X)";PQ$ 50 IF PQ$="P" THEN GOSUB 5000 :GOTO 10 55 IF PQ$="X" THEN END ELSE IF PQ$<>"N" GOTO 40 60 PRINT :INPUT "Input radius (max of 310)";R 65 PRINT :INPUT "Input Number of divisions";D 100 DIM X(D),Y(D) :A=2*3.1416/D 110 FOR I=0 TO D 120 X(I)=R*(1+SIN(I*A))+3 :Y(I)=R*(1-COS(I*A))+3 :NEXT 460 P10=2*R+4 :P9=2*R+4 '** parms for gosub 461 GOSUB 3000 :PRINT CS$ 462 CP4$=CHR$(27)+"f #" 510 FOR I=0 TO D-1 :FOR J=I+1 TO D-1 514 PRINT CP4$; 515 PRINT USING "Plotting from Point ## (### ###) to Point ## (### ###)"; I,X(I),Y(I),J,X(J),Y(J) 520 X1=X(I) :Y1=Y(I) :X2=X(J) :Y2=Y(J) :GOSUB 1000 :NEXT :NEXT 580 PRINT CHR$(7) :GOSUB 4000 600 GOSUB 5000 610 LPRINT :LPRINT TAB(34);"MANDALA" 630 LPRINT TAB(15);"Number of divisions: ";D;" Angle Size: ";360/D 670 GOTO 10