WIPE+ Version 1.2 Gene Pizzetta May 11, 1987 USAGE: WIPE {d:} Erases all files with the extensions .$$$, .BAK, .HEX, .PRN, .REL and .SYM on the specified drive. If no drive specification is given, the current drive is assumed. There are two versions of WIPE in this library. WIPE12 is the generic version that should run on any CP/M system. WIPE12+ is specific for CP/M Plus (version 3.0). Both versions require a Z80 CPU. For the CPM Plus version the delimiter used by the BDOS PrtStr function is changed from its default dollar sign ($) to a null by calling BDOS function 110. No such function exists for CP/M 2.2. Function 110 was used to allow printing ".$$$" to the screen. Both versions of WIPE erase .$$$ temporary files, but the generic version will not print notice of that on the screen. If you are reassembling the source code, CP/M 2.2 users should set the CPM3 equate to false. MAC and Z80.LIB are required. The types of files erased can also be expanded or contracted by modifying the TABLE and re-assembling. This is noted in the code. HISTORY: Version 1.0, August 9, 1983, Steven D. Rudnik Original code. Version 1.1, March 1, 1985, Ron Forsythe Removed .HEX file erasing and added a long, silly signon. Version 1.2, May 11, 1987, Gene Pizzetta Added drive specification for command line, simplified signon, tidied-up code. CP/M Plus specific code added. Copyright 1983, Steve D. Rudnik. This software may be used in the PUBLIC DOMAIN for non-commercial purposes only.