SYNONYM Version 2.0 by: Bill Allen Sep 1981 Page 1 SYNONYM is a program that generates a program. This generated program when executed, will invoke another CP/M command. It's really not as complex as it sounds. Here is an example: You would like to invoke Microsoft basic by typing only the letter "B" instead of typing "MBASIC". You could just rename MBASIC.COM to B.COM but you could no longer use "MBASIC" to invoke basic. SYNONYM can create a "B.COM" file that when invoked will modify the CCP input buffer to "MBASIC" and then jump to the CCP. The new .COM file is very small (1 block) and is saved with the $SYS indicator set (in CP/M 2.x ) so it won't clutter up your DIRectory. Then to invoke basic you would only have to type: "B". You could also pass basic a program name to execute just as with MBASIC by typing: "B BASPGM" (where BASPGM is the name of the basic program). You can also create a SYNONYM with a fixed parameter string. For example you might like to run a basic program called STARTREK.BAS by typing "ST". SYNONYM can create a file ("ST.COM") that will invoke MBASIC and pass it a fixed string "STARTREK". If you do create a SYNONYM with a fixed paramater string any paramaters entered on the command line invoking the SYNONYM will be appended to the fixed paramaters. This could be used to invoke the SUBMIT program, pass it the name of the .SUB file as a fixed paramater, and then any other variable paramaters. SYNONYM COMMAND SYNTAX ______________________ SYNONYM newname oldname [parameter string] where: newname is the name to be used as a synonym. It can be anything acceptable to CP/M as a file name. oldname is the actual name of the command to be executed and may include a disk letter. parameter string is a fixed string to be passed to the command. It is optional and any paramaters entered when the synonym is invoked will be appended. SYNONYM Version 2.0 by: Bill Allen Sep 1981 Page 2 SYNONYM EXAMPLES: _________________ Create a synonym "B" to invoke "MBASIC" (microsoft basic). The paramater string entered on the command line will be passed to MBASIC. A>SYNONYM B MBASIC example of use: Invoke MBASIC and run "MYPROG" A>B MYPROG Create a synonym "ST" to invoke "MBASIC" from the A: disk and pass it the fixed string "STARTREK". A>SYNONYM ST A:MBASIC STARTREK example of use: Invoke MBASIC and run "STARTREK" A>ST Create a synonym "T" to invoke the built-in CP/M command "TYPE". A>SYNONYM T TYPE example of use: Type this file. A>T SYNONYM.DOC Create a synonym "M" to invoke a SUB file (MAC.SUB) and pass it the paramater string entered with the new "M" command. A>SYNONYM M A:SUBMIT A:MAC example of use: Submit MAC and pass "ASMPROG $SZ" A>M ASMPROG $SZ Obtain HELP with the SYNONYM command similar to the SYNONYM command syntax shown above. A>SYNONYM ? or A>SYNONYM SYNONYM Version 2.0 by: Bill Allen Sep 1981 Page 3 NOTES ON SYNONYM.ASM ____________________ 1. The program can be assembled with MAC or ASM. 2. The program has been tested on both CP/M version 1.4 and version 2.x (The $SYS attribute is set only on 2.x). 3. The subroutine "XCTL" could easily be used in other programs that you would like to have transfer control to another CP/M command. It is self-contained except for the call to VARMOV. If you have any problems, questions, suggestions or modifications; please leave a message on the TCBBS Dearborn (313) 846-6127 or call me during business hours at: (313) 357-4800. Enjoy, Bill Allen - 09/01/81