25 Nov 1987 The PACK10 program is certainly an advance over the RESTORE utility but it requires a list to work with if you want the files rewritten in any kind of order. This program utilizes SD123's (most SD versions for that matter) DISK.DIR feature to accomplish this chore for you by rearranging the file as one long single-entry-per-line file. You can then use SORT and your favorite text editor to achieve the order of files to be written back to your disk by PACK. If you have hard-wired the "V" option you will have to edit out whatever SD will write to disk as your SD header. The program is set to use the Kaypro clear-screen sequence of ASCII 26. Change or add the necessary ASCII equivalents at the DATA statement to suit your needs. The COM file is compiled for the Kaypro sequence also. Tom Ensminger, Sysop AB17 Remote Systems 513-879-6263 3/12/24-24hrs-365yr