Documentation for MAKE version 2.6 released 7/22/86 The assembled COM file in this library has been created from the supplied source code with the ZCPR3 and WHEEL equate set to "FALSE". This primary purpose of this program is to allow one to change the user number of designated files on a designated drive to a different user number. This is carried out without copying the files and then deleting the original files, rather, the user number tag in the disk directory is simply changed to reflect the new user number. The program also has options to set files attributes of read-only, read-write, system, and directory, as well as archive or non-archive. Files can also be erased or unerased. The code assumes that the track and sector are set by the BDOS search functions and uses a simple BIOS write to update the directory. Before using this program, test it on a garbage disk to make sure that it works with your system. SYNTAX: MAKE D:AFN O (ALL) MAKE DU:AFN O (ZCPR3 version) MAKE DIR:AFN O (ZCPR3 version) where the drive, drive/user, and named directory forms (where appropriate) are optional and where O is one of the options: DIR: new DIR for files (ZCPR3 version ONLY) nn new user # for files R set files to R/O W set files to R/W S set files to SYS D set files to DIR A set files to ARCHIVE N set files to Non-ARCHIVE E erase files U unerase files blank show status of files The above options act only for files in the current user area. If a "#" is specified after the options, files from all user area will be affected.