Klean v2.0 An intelligent file erase utility. Copyright 1987 by Steven B. Perkins Usage: KLEAN [d[u]:][afn] /[/][A][H][R][S][T][Z] Options: =help, include them ll, orizontal sort, erase ead only without asking, show ystem files, ype/name sort, ap them all. Klean gives a sorted, numbered list of all files matching [afn] and asks which ones to erase (unless or is used, then Klean doesn''t ask. Aborts, or reply with a list of files to erase such as: 1,4 5 9-10,20- Klean always shows the files selected and asks for final verification (unless is used,) before deleting them all. If a very large directory is shown, Klean pauses and prompts: "More . . ." Press to abort the list early. is needed with options only for no filespec. Released for non-profit use.