3/30/86 This is the latest version of the FRONT, which you may copy and share freely for non-commercial purposes (see file FRONT51.DOC for details and copyright notice). This is user-supported software. In other words, if you use it, payment is appreciated. FRONT.COM version 5.1 is a menu program for CP/M 2.2 and CP/M + (regrettably, I found no way to make it work with CP/M 86/80 on the DEC). It lists executable files found on the logged disk and executes them, automatically loading the associated different disks and user areas. Operation is intuitive, with arrow keys or direct typing. A menu-driven installation program for a number of machines is included, as well as documentation and patching info. (FRONT takes only 6K of disk space) FRONT51.COM is the program. It must be installed for your particular computer, but the installation is menu-driven, easy and mostly automatic. The other files are: - the installation program FRNSTL51.COM - the main documentation file FRONT51.DOC - an additional documentation file FRONTSUB.DOC which explains how FRONT runs itself again after executing a program and how this affects SUBMIT file operations. - FRNT51PT.ASM, which documents the patch area in FRONT51.COM (of limited interest, except to incorrigible tinkerers). To install FRONT51.COM, just type FRNSTL51 at the A> prompt and follow the instructions. Select option A at the main menu to go to the terminal/computer menu, or ? for help. You really should print out FRONT51.DOC. You may need it if you are not happy with the default settings for some of the functional parameters, or if you have questions about the way FRONT works. This is version 5.1, replacing earlier versions but functionally identical, except that a number of bugs have been fixed and more flexibility in working with non-standard CP/M implementations has been provided. See FRONT51.DOC for more details. Please be sure to mention which version of FRONT you are using if you'd like to write about it (include the entire copyright notice which appears on top of the screen). Claude Ostyn Box 2035 Sitka, Alaska 99835 USA