FRONTSUB.DOC (c) 1986 by Claude Ostyn Supplement to FRONT51.DOC CONTENTS: 1. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF FRONT WITH REPEAT OPTIONS 2 OR 3 2. HOW FRONT REPEAT OPTIONS 2 OR 3 WORK ----- 1. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FRONT WITH REPEAT OPTIONS 2 OR 3 If you select option 2 or 3 to make FRONT run again automatically after executing a command, you will have to follow these simple rules. If something goes awry, look up these rules and you may find out that you did something that was in contradiction with them. Don't panic! Nothing very wrong can happen. - FRONT.COM (under any name you chose during installation) must be on the disk in drive A. SUBMIT.COM is NOT required. - The disk in drive A must not be write-protected; if it is write-protected or full, you will get an error message. If you get an error message after you see "EXECUTING (your command)" - Don't panic. It's not as serious as it looks. Under CP/M 2.2, you may get a "Bad Sector" error, but there is no bad sector. It only means that Bdos was not able to write something on the disk and used its catch-all message. - Press RETURN (or "i" if using CP/M Plus). - In the unlikely event that, after you press RETURN, you get a another "Bad Sector" message, then you may begin to panic: there may indeed be something wrong with your disk. - You will see a message saying "Disk full or R/O: Unable to proceed". - FRONT will now exit to CP/M without executing your command. Usually, this error happens beacause the disk in drive A (with option 2) or in the current drive (with option 3) has a write-protection sticker or is full. Front needs to write one file of minimum size (1K to 8K, depending on your system) if working within the same user area, and two files if working within different user areas. - If you want to return to FRONT after changing the disk in drive A (for instance if you were using NSWEEP), put the disk which was originally in drive A back into drive A. Do this BEFORE you exit the called program. If the original disk is not in drive A, FRONT will simply not run again automatically, but if you later put that original disk back in drive A, FRONT will try to run again at the first opportunity. - If you use .SUB files with SUBMIT.COM, the last command in the .SUB file should be A:FRONT (or the name you gave FRONT during installation). This is not necessary if you use EX14.COM to run your .SUB file. - If you do NOT want to return to FRONT, you can interrupt the execution of the $$$.SUB by just pressing the space bar. - If you want to look at the screen before returning to FRONT at the end of your program, type ^S (Control-S) to pause. Type ^S again to continue. Do NOT press any other key unless you do not want to run FRONT again. 2. HOW FRONT REPEAT OPTIONS 2 AND 3 WORK At every warm boot, the CCP looks for a file named $$$.SUB on drive A, executes the command contained in the last record in that file and then deletes that record from the file. The next time CCP looks at the file, if it finds it empty (no more commands to execute) it just erases it. When FRONT executes the command you selected from the menu, it first tries to create such a $$$.SUB file containing the name under which FRONT was saved by FRNSTL46 (the name might be FRONT, FRONT46, MENU, or whatever). This file also contains the command USER xx, where xx is the current user area, to ensure that CP/M will return to the same user area you were looking at with FRONT. The $$$.SUB file is created on drive A in user 0 under CP/M Plus and on drive A in the current user under CP/M 2.2. It is also set to SYS, so it does not show on a normal directory but can be found and executed by CP/M Plus. When the called program returns to CP/M, the CCP finds the $$$.SUB file, returns to the original user area, reloads FRONT and erases the .SUB file. Note that the file SUBMIT.COM is not required anywhere at any time for this process. If you use SUBMIT.COM to run another .SUB file from the menu, FRONT does not create a $$$.SUB file since the first thing SUBMIT would do would be to erase it when it creates its own $$$.SUB. For this reason, the last command(s) in a .SUB file to be used with the standard SUBMIT.COM should be A:FRONT (or whatever name under which FRONT exists), possibly preceded by a command to return to the FRONT user area. If your CCP has been replaced by a recent version of ZCPR which requires that you select auto-repeat option 3, read "current drive" instead of "drive A" in the paragraphs above. Special note for SUBMIT file writers: FRONT assumes the current logged drive/user is where you want to read the menu from (unless otherwise installed). However, it accepts a user number as an argument. The number MUST be two digits. You will see that feature at work when the $$$.SUB is executing; it allows FRONT to return to the same drive/user from wich a command was selected. Examples (assuming ZCPR with user area shown in system prompt): A9>FRONT 01 will list commands from drive A, user 1 A9>FRONT 1 will list commands from drive A, user area 9 (only one digit in user parameter--illegal) 3/30/86