Why on earth would anyone in his right mind bother to write an unadorned directory listing program when you can get a simple directory list out of your CCP and when snazzy things like SD are available? Well the problem is that you can't ALWAYS get an unadorned directory listing out of your CCP! I implemented Jim Lopushinsky's ZCPR-style CCP replacement, CCP103+ on Tesseract RCPM+ because it offers a number of improvements over the standard CCP that comes with CP/M Plus. In the RCPM+ environment CCP103+ is a boon because it offers enhanced security and flexibility and supports utilities such as LD301 (which allows callers to log into .LBR files as sub- directories). So worthwhile is CCP103+ that I have for some time wanted to use it on my other computer. The only thing stopping me was that CCP103+ has NO internal commands and relies on external programs to do the work of DIR, ERA, REN and TYPE. The standard ERASE.COM and RENAME.COM do well enough, and TYPE109a.COM is better than either the internal TYPE command or the TYPE.COM provided by Digital Research. SD makes a worthy substitute for the DIR command in the RCPM+ environment but for normal use I usually don't need or want all the extra information provided by SD, and in particular, I usually don't want my directory listing sorted. I like to see the files in the order that they appear in the directory. Because hitherto it would have been quite silly to write a program to do exactly what a standard internal DIR command does, there was no such program in the public domain. There is now. While I was about it I allowed a little extra versatility without going to extremes. You can now include a user number alone or along with a drive prefix. See the comments at the head of the source file for a short explanation. I hope this little program proves of value to someone else. John Hastwell-Batten, Tesseract RCPM+, P.O. Box 242, Dural, NSW 2158, AUSTRALIA. 20th May, 1986.