CFA = Change File Attributes Version 1.0: A derivative of MAKE version 2.6 1. Changes file attributes 2. Moves files between user areas 3. Sets and resets F1-F4 filename tags 4. Erases and UN-erases file In spite of many new features, CFA is the same size as its predecessor; still under 2K (even ZCPR, WHEEL support configurations). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: CFA [d:]filename.typ X[#] where d: is optional drive specifier, and X may be ONE of these: Number 0-31 Moves file to user area X File tags: File attributes: F or G Tag 1, on/off R or W: $R/O or $R/W H or I Tag 2, on/off S or D: $SYS or $DIR J or K Tag 3, on/off A or N: $ARC or $Non-ARC L or M Tag 4, on/off File erase or unerase: E or U: Erase or Unerase (into current user) Add "#" after any letter option to work in ALL user areas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- See CFA10.HIS and CFA10.DOC for complete information. Lee D. Rimar 11 February, 1988