SDT.SUB SDT.SUB is a CP/M-80 SUBMIT style batch process command file which will overlay the standard DDT.COM, and create a new, enhanced form called SDT.COM. SDT has the following enhancements vis-a-vis the plain vanilla DDT. (part of the CPM utility set) 1) B command creates Block of text for search. 2) Exxxx command Explores memory for string from xxxx. 3) Cxxxx command Changes memory with ASCII input from xxxx. 4) Jn command Jumps to new default drive n (0=A:, etc.). 5) V command Views directory at first match to I command. 6) W command Where is next match. SDT is the creation of Dr. William Parke, and is described in the December 1983 issue of >CHUG, the newsletter of the Capital Heath Users' Group. Inc. (PO Box 2653, Fairfax, VA., 22031). The information here is reproduced with credit to Dr. Parke, who may be contacted at the above address, for further information. The article in the magazine included step-by-step instructions for keying in the source for the modification. My only contribution to the utility of this idea was to make up the SUB file to automate the process, and save the keystrokes required. For an original DDT.COM crc of 34 B9, the newly created SDT.COM was found to have a crc of 3D BA (via CRCK-42.COM). SDT can be quickly installed by EX14. Walt Jung 12/24/83 BHEC RCPM (301)-661-2175