*********** ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR DATAFLOW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM VOL1 NO1 ********** *** FLIPPY DISKS **** Some of the CP/M-80 distribution disks do not have sufficient space and/or directory space for all the programs to fit on a single side. Therefore, the distribution disks used for these formats are flippy, ie there are files on both sides of the disk. The disk label will inform you if your disk is a flippy. *** TIME DELAY FOR DISPLAY OF COPYRIGHT MESSAGE *** It is a requirement of the publisher that the Copyright message be displayed for at least 20 seconds each time the system is started. However, the timing delay built in to the program may be longer or shorter, depending on the hardware being used. This delay is built into the START program on Disk A: and may be adjusted using MODI COMM or a word processor. The following loop is positioned just below the text of the copyright message. STORE 1000 TO DELAY DO WHILE DELAY>0 STORE DELAY-1 TO DELAY LOOP ENDDO To shorten the delay, reduce the "1000" to a lower figure. To lengthen the delay time, increase the "1000" to a higher figure. *** USING PRE-PRINTED STATIONERY *** The system has been designed to use pre-printed Invoice and Statement sets which are available under the REDIFORM brand. For Invoices, use form R 195/IMS and for Statements R 196/IMS. *** EXTENDED FACILITIES DURING INITIALISATION *** To conserve space on the distribution disk, the main Initialisation program INITMEM has been extended to automatically create the Index files on Disk B: Therefore, the distribution disk you receive does not contain any index files. This does not alter the initial start up instructions in any way. The function available to re-initialise memory files from the INSTALLATION MENU within the system itself has not been changed and does not re-create indexes. Note that the Company name and address included in both these initialisation programs is for P D S. You may change this to your own details by using MODI COMM or a word processor to edit the INITMEM and INITMEM1 programs. *** FILES ON DISTRIBUTION DISK *** The following files are included on the distribution disk:- ******** PROGRAM FILES ******** SALES .CMD TAX .CMD MENU6 .CMD PRINTER .CMD START .CMD CHECHCHQ.CMD SHIP .CMD MENU5 .CMD LEDGER .CMD CHEQCRED.CMD INSTALL .CMD PRINTSTK.CMD INVOICE .CMD RFCREDIT.CMD LISTFILE.CMD INITMEM1.CMD LEDGERII.CMD INITMEM .CMD LABELII .CMD ADD .CMD CLEARDAT.CMD EDIT1 .CMD STOCMENU.CMD PACK .CMD OVERDUE .CMD WORDERS .CMD SUMMARY .CMD RECOVER .CMD MENU7 .CMD MAINTAIN.CMD CUSLIST .CMD MAINMENU.CMD DEBTORS .CMD STOCKIN .CMD STOCTAKE.CMD LABEL .CMD GENLED .CMD CHECKOFF.CMD CANBACK .CMD ARCHIVE .CMD CREDIT .CMD ENTERBAC.CMD HELP .CMD RESETCON.CMD MENU2 CMD NAME .CMD PRICE .CMD BACKCHEK.CMD BACK .CMD RESTART .CMD MENU4 .CMD REPORTS .CMD RITEBACK.CMD There are 53 program files occupying approximately 154 Kbyte. *** MEMORY FILES *** NAME .MEM CONSTANT.MEM CREDIT .MEM GENLED .MEM RECEIPT .MEM There are 5 Memory files occupying approximately 5 Kbyte. *** DATABASE FILES *** DATATEMP.DBF HOLDATA .DBF DATARCH .CMD DATAFILE.DBF LEDARCH .DBF LEDGER .DBF GENLED .DBF NAMELIST.DBF PRICELIS.DBF STOCK .DBF RFC .DBF There are 11 Database files occupying approximately 12 Kbyte. These will, of course, grow considerably as you enter your own data. *** REPORT FILES *** CUSLIST2.FRM DEBTORS .FRM GENCHQ .FRM GENLED .FRM GENPRES .FRM GENSUM .FRM ORDERS .FRM SLTAX .FRM SLTAXCLA.FRM STOCKLIS.FRM STEXEMPT.FRM STKTK .FRM STOCKTAK.FRM TOTSALES.FRM CUSLIST1.FRM BRANDBO .FRM PRODBO .FRM RPRICE .FRM ALLBO .FRM CUSBO .FRM STOCKUP .FRM SALES .FRM There are 22 Report files occupying approximately 22 Kbyte. *** CORRECTIONS TO PART C - TECHNICAL NOTES *** 3. MEMORY FILES In the CONSTANT.MEM file, PINVNUM stores the last Invoice number used, not the next available. In the RECEIPT.MEM file, CREDIT:NUM stores the last Receipt no used, not the next available. *** OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ***