SOURCE CODE FILES The program is written in Turbo Pascal, version 2.0 for CP/M and 3.0 for MS/PC-DOS. Version 3.0 does not use BCD reals or the 8087 support. The program uses the Turbo Access routines found in the Turbo Database Toolbox. Most of the procedures are overlayed, so the object code is in two files, MAIL.COM, the root, and MAIL.000, the overlay file. The program source code is contained in the following files: MAIL.PAS The main program ACCESS.BOX, GETKEY.BOX, Turbo Access routines -- not ADDKEY.BOX, DELKEY.BOX included with the program -- you must buy them from Borland International IO20.INC Formatted input/output routines MAILDATE.INC Reading and writing dates MAILGLOB.INC Global declarations MROOT1.INC, MROOT2.INC Miscellaneous routines that are called by more than one procedure MINIT.INC Routines to initialize the program when it is first started MSETUP.INC The Set-Up menu MADDETC.INC Add, change, delete a name and record contributions MPRINT.INC Print list of names and labels MAILMERG.INC Create mailmerge file TO COMPILE FOR CP/M In file IO20.INC, comment out the version of procedure KEYIN that is for MS/PC-DOS and un-comment the version that is for CP/M, specifically the Kaypro. In file MINIT.INC, make sure that the two calls to the BDOS procedure are NOT commented out. These are the only places the source code differs between CP/M and MS/PC-DOS. This is one of the many reasons I like Turbo Pascal so much -- the code is very portable. Compile to a COM file with the End address set to $D440. This leaves plenty of room for different size operating systems. TO COMPILE FOR MS/PC-DOS In file IO20.INC, comment out the version of procedure KEYIN that is for CP/M and un-comment the version that is for MS/PC-DOS. In file MINIT.INC, make sure that the two calls to the BDOS procedure are commented out (they are plainly marked). These are the only places the source code differs between CP/M and MS/PC-DOS. You probably do not have to overlay the program for MS/PC-DOS, although I have done so just to ensure source code portability. The overlay procedures are in files MINIT.INC, MSETUP.INC, MADDETC.INC, MPRINT.INC, and MAILMERG.INC. Search for the keyword "overlay" and delete it before compiling.