{ File = MAILGLOB.INC -- Include file for Reliance Mailing List globals. WPM, 2/24/86 } { COPYRIGHT (c) 1986, Wm Meacham, 1004 Elm Street, Austin, Tx 78703 } const scr_fname : string[14] = 'SCR.RML' ; { system control file } mf_fname : string[14] = 'MASTER.RML' ; { master file } ix1_fname : string[14] = 'INDEX1.RML' ; { index file -- last name } ix2_fname : string[14] = 'INDEX2.RML' ; { index file -- zip + last name } blanks : string[30] = ' ' ; wid = 12 ; { total width for $ amts, including decimal point } frac = 2 ; { fractional part for $ amts -- 999999999.99 } no_dups = 0 ; { parameter for proc OpenIndex } dups_ok = 1 ; { parameter for proc OpenIndex } key1_len = 6 ; { length of key string -- 5 chars of last name } key2_len = 15 ; { length of key string -- zip + 5 chars of last name } mf_rec_size = 216 ; { length of master record } max_lines = 58 ; { maximum number of lines on printed page } type str1 = string[1] ; str3 = string[3] ; str4 = string[4] ; str5 = string[5] ; str9 = string[9] ; str14 = string[14] ; str20 = string[20] ; str30 = string[30] ; str80 = string[80] ; str132 = string[132] ; option = (count, add, change, del_rec, contribution, list, labels, mailmerge) ; { To pick needed proc from within overlay } prt_criterion = (all, pcat, pct, pzip, dt, amt) ; { which names to print } sort_criterion = (name, szip) ; { how to sort } boolarray = array [1 .. 8] of boolean ; num_str_typ = string[15] ; { '-999,999,999.99' } key1_typ = str5 ; { The key is the first five characters of the last name, stripped of blanks and capitalized. } key2_typ = str14 ; { zip code + key1_typ } mf_rec = record { Master File record } status : integer ; { 0 = active, else deleted } { 2} last_name : str30 ; {31} frst_name : string[18] ; {19} title : string[9] ; { eg, Dr., Mr., Ms., etc } {10} salutation : string[11] ; { Dear ... } {12} addr1 : string[25] ; {26} addr2 : string[25] ; {26} city : string[23] ; {24} state : string[2] ; { 3} zip : str9 ; {10} home_phon : string[14] ; {15} work_phon : string[14] ; {15} precinct : str3 ; { 4} last_amt : real ; { last contribution amount } { 6} last_date : date ; { last contribution date } { 6} tot_amt : real ; { total contribution amount } { 6} flags : byte ; { 8 booleans, user-defined } { 1} end ; { total 216} scr_rec = record { System Control Record } ID : str30 ; { descriptive identification } num_k, { disk capacity } max_rec, { max master records allowed } num_recs : integer ; { number of records used } prt_init, { printer initialization string } prt_rset : str4 ; { " reset string } cat_name : array [1..8] of str20 ; { selection category names } end ; var scr : scr_rec ; { system control record } master : mf_rec ; { master record } key1 : key1_typ ; { key1 work area } key2 : key2_typ ; { key2 work area } scr_file : file of scr_rec ; mf_file : datafile ; { master file -- type def. in ACCESS.BOX } ix1_file : indexfile ; { index file -- type def. in ACCESS.BOX } ix2_file : indexfile ; { index file -- type def. in ACCESS.BOX } rec_num : integer ; { relative record number of master rec } cat : boolarray ; { selection categories } choice : integer ; { to get menu selection } cur_proc_dt : date ; { current processing date } drive : str1 ; { drive where data files exist } mask : byte ; { to select category } pcinct : str3 ; { to select precinct } zipcode : str9 ; { to select zip code } lastdt : date ; { to select date } contrib : real ; { to select amount } { ----- EOF MAILGLOB.INC ------------------------------------------- }