Documentation for KEEP-TRAK A Club Membership Data Base System (c) 1985 by Harvey G. Lord COPYRIGHT INFORMATION KEEP-TRAK is a set of five MBASIC programs that are copyrighted (c) 1985 by Harvey G. Lord. All rights are reserved. DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS Permission is granted to copy these programs for noncommercial purposes only on the condition that (1) no fee is charged for said programs, (2) the author's name and copyright notice are not removed, (3) this documentation accompanies the programs, and (4) the sign-on notice of ownership remains unchanged on any and all subsequent distributions. Aside from the above, anyone may have copies of KEEP-TRAK and may modify them in any way he or she chooses. In fact, I hope you do Modify them to serve your own needs. TERMINAL DEPENDENCIES This KEEP-TRAK version, the one published in PROGRAMMING FOR REAL, BOOK II runs on a Televideo 920. The Osborne 1 computer uses a Televideo-compatible terminal. Other computers do, too. A version of the program for the VT-100 terminal (DEC Rainbow and others) is available. Contact the author for details. REQUIREMENTS KEEP-TRAK requires Microsoft BASIC, MBASIC, and a two-drive (A: and B:) computer system. It will run under any operating system that supports MBASIC. OPERATION To run KEEP-TRAK, extract all files from the KEEPTRAK.LBR library file (using LU or a similar library utility), unsqueeze them (using NUSQ or a similar unsqueezing utility), and place them on one disk with a copy of MBASIC. Place that disk in drive A: and a blank, formatted disk in B:. Execute MBASIC K-TMENU. Follow the directions on the screen. Do not try to execute any program in this system except K-TMENU! The others chain from K-TMENU and pass variables back and forth. Without those variables, serious problems will ensue. SOURCE CODE AND DOCUMENTATION To help understand KEEP-TRAK, how it works, and how to modify it, the complete source code and documentation are found in two books: BEYOND GAMES: PROGRAMMING FOR REAL BOOK I and FRIENDLY SOFTWARE: PROGRAMMING FOR REAL BOOK II. Both books were published in 1985 by Atheneum Publishers, New York, N.Y. Both the above books were written for readers who are 12 years old and up. They are available from: Children's Marketing Dept. Dept. AB Atheneum Publisher's 115 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10003 Contact the author at the above address. Enjoy. Harvey G. Lord November 23, 1985