NAME mcol - multicolumn formatting SYNOPSIS mcol [-cn] [-ln] [-wn] [-gn] [-dn] [file ...] DESCRIPTION Mcol reads the named files and formats them into multicolumn output on the standard output. If the filename "-" is given, or no files are specified, the standard input is read. The options are as follows. -cn Format the output into "n" columns. Default is 2. -ln Set the output page size to "n". Mcol produces its output in pages, but does not place separators between the pages on the assumption that some subsequent processor will do that. (The default page length is 55.) -wn Set the column width to "n" characters. Lines longer than "n" characters are truncated. (The default column width is 60.) -gn Set the "gutter" width to "n". The gutter is the white space between columns. (The default gutter width is 8.) -dn Assume output is to be printed on a display terminal. The column size is set to "n" characters and the page size is set to 24 lines. The number of columns and gutter width are computed to maximize the amount of information on a single screen. If "n" is omitted, 10 is used, which is useful for displaying lists of file names. FILES None SEE ALSO DIAGNOSTICS invalid column count invalid page size invalid column width invalid gutter width The value of one of the option flags is invalid or exceeds the limitations of mcol. ignoring invalid flag A command argument option flag was given which mcol didn't recognize. insufficient buffer space Mcol could not buffer an entire page. This is usually the result of options that specify a large page size or many columns. The buffer size is set by the MAXBUF definition in the source code. too many lines The number of lines per page times the number of columns exceeded mcol's line buffer space. The maximum number of lines allowed is set by the MAXPTR definition in the source code. BUGS/DEFICIENCIES AUTHORS Original by David Hanson and friends (U. of Arizona), with modifications by Debbie Scherrer (LBL).