NAME note - determine current file position SYNOPSIS stat = note (offset, fd) integer offset(2) filedes fd integer stat returned as OK/ERR DESCRIPTION Note determines the current value of a file's read/write pointer. The argument "offset" is a 2-word integer array that will receive the information. Offset is maintained untouched by the user and passed to "seek" when desiring to return to that particular location in the file. Note is usually used as the file is being written, picking up the pointer to the end of the file before each record is inserted there. On text files (e.g. those created by calls to putch, putlin), note is guaranteed to work at line boundaries only. However, it should work anywhere on a file created by calls to writef. IMPLEMENTATION Note is compatible with whatever implementation is chosen for seek and the opening of files at READWRITE access. Offset is a two-word integer in which is stored a character count, word address, block and record address, or whatever is appropriate for the local operating system. Note should be taught to return BEGINNING_OF_FILE and END_OF_FILE where appropriate. In the editor, note is called to locate the end of file for subsequent writes. SEE ALSO seek, readf, writef DIAGNOSTICS None