NAME getpat - prepare regular expressions for subsequent pattern matching SYNOPSIS stat = getpat (arg, pat) character arg(ARB), pat(MAXPAT) integer stat returned as length/ERR DESCRIPTION Getpat is used to translate a regular expression into a format convenient for subsequent pattern matching via 'match' or 'amatch'. (For a complete description of regular expressions, see the writeup on the editor.) A typical scenario for pattern-matching might be: stat = getpat(pattern_you_want_located, pattern_array) YES/NO = match(input_line, pattern_array) The pattern array should be dimensioned at least MAXPAT characters long, a definition available in the standard symbol definitions file. If the pattern can be made, the functions returns the number of characters in "pat"; otherwise it returns ERR. Getpat is essentially a call to makpat with the following parameters: getpat = makpat (arg, 1, EOS, pat) SEE ALSO makpat, match, amatch DIAGNOSTICS None