NAME standard Ratfor symbol definitions DESCRIPTION The following macro definitions are generally made available to the user automatically whenever ratfor is called. Case is significant: # ASCII control character definitions: NUL ENQ LF SI DC4 EM RS SOH ACK VT DLE NAK SUB US STX BEL FF DC1 SYN ESC SP ETX BS CR DC2 ETB FS DEL EOT HT SO DC3 CAN GS # Synonyms for important non-printing ASCII characters: BACKSPACE BELL BLANK NEWLINE RUBOUT TAB # Printable ASCII characters: ACCENT BIGH BIGW DIG7 LETE LETT RBRACE AMPER BIGI BIGX DIG8 LETF LETU RBRACK AMPERSAND BIGJ BIGY DIG9 LETG LETV RPAREN AND BIGK BIGZ DOLLAR LETH LETW SEMICOL ATSIGN BIGL CARET DQUOTE LETI LETX SHARP BACKSLASH BIGM COLON EQUALS LETJ LETY SLASH BANG BIGN COMMA ESCAPE LETK LETZ SQUOTE BAR BIGO DASH GREATER LETL LPAREN STAR BIGA BIGP DIG0 LBRACE LETM MINUS TAB BIGB BIGQ DIG1 LBRACK LETN NOT TILDE BIGC BIGR DIG2 LESS LETO OR UNDERLINE BIGD BIGS DIG3 LETA LETP PERCENT BIGE BIGT DIG4 LETB LETQ PERIOD BIGF BIGU DIG5 LETC LETR PLUS BIGG BIGV DIG6 LETD LETS QMARK # Ratfor language extensions: andif CHARACTER filedes IS_LETTER long_real min POINTER ARB DS_DECL FILEDES IS_LOWER max MIN character elif IS_DIGIT IS_UPPER MAX pointer # Input/output modes: APPEND READ READWRITE WRITE # Standard input/output ports: ERROUT # standard error file STDERR STDIN # standard input file STDOUT # standard output file TERMINAL_IN # name of terminal (input channel) TERMINAL_OUT # name of terminal (output channel) # Manifest constants included for readability and modifiability: ALPHA # flag for alphabetic character ASCII # flag for ascii character file BEGINNING_OF_FILE # flag to seek for positioning at # the beginning of a file BINARY # flag for indicating binary file DIGIT # flag for number END_OF_FILE # flag to seek for positioning at end of file EOF # flag for end-of-file EOS # used to mark end of character strings ERR # error return from functions HUGE # some arbitrarily large number LAMBDA # end of list marker LETTER # flag for ascii letter LOCAL # flag for local-type character file NO NOERR # flag for successful completion OK # success flag YES # Size limiting definitions for important objects: FILENAMESIZE # max characters in file name MAXARG # max size of command line argument MAXCARD # "card" size MAXCHARS # max nbr of chars when converting # from integers to characters MAXLINE # normal size of line buffers MAXNAME # max size of file name MAXOFILES # max nbr opened files allowed at a time MAXPAT # max size of encoded patterns # (used in string matching) NCHARS # number of special characters # Machine-dependent parameters: BITS_PER_CHAR BITS_PER_WORD CHARS_PER_WORD MAX_INTEGER MIN_INTEGER MAX_REAL_EXP MIN_REAL_EXP REAL_PRECISION DRIVER #main driving routine (may not be necessary) DRETURN #return from main driving routine # Definitions for 'spawn' primitive (if implemented): WAIT # wait for subprocess to complete NOWAIT # control returns as soon as # subprocess starts BACKGR # spawning a background process