NAME amatch - look for pattern matching regular expression; returns its location SYNOPSIS loc = amatch (line, from, pat, tagbeg, tagend) character line(ARB), pat(MAXPAT) integer from integer tagbeg(10), tagend(10) (element "i + 1" returns start or end, respectively, of "i"th tagged subpattern) integer loc returns location/0 matched; if no match, loc is returned as 0 DESCRIPTION Amatch scans 'line' starting at location 'from', looking for a pattern which matches the regular expression coded in 'pat'. If the pattern is found, its starting location in line is returned. If the pattern is not found, amatch returns 0. The regular expression in 'pat' must have been previously encoded by 'getpat' or 'makpat'. (For a complete description of regular expressions, see the writeup on the editor.) Amatch is a special-purpose version of match, which should be used in most cases. SEE ALSO match, getpat, makpat DIAGNOSTICS None