NAME pg - listing program for fast terminals SYNOPSIS pg { - | -m | } ::= | -[] | -n(|) DESCRIPTION 'Pg' is a filter used to view large files on fast CRT terminals. For each file specified (see 'gfnarg') it fills up the screen with a block of text, then prints a prompt and reads a one-line response from the terminal. Depending on the response, succeeding blocks of text may be displayed or display may be discontinued. Since 'pg' uses the library routine 'page' to display the named files, the following responses can be made after each block of text: n Proceed to next file (exit if on last file). q Proceed to next file (exit if on last file). ctrl-c Proceed to next file (exit if on last file). y Advance to the next page. newline Advance to the next page. l Set screen size to specified number of lines. ^ Redisplay previous page. Display specified page number. + Advance given number of pages (default 1). - Back up given number of pages (default 1). When an entire file has been displayed, 'pg' prompts with the string "END". The response is interpreted as above, with the exception that NEWLINE causes 'pg' to proceed to the next file in its argument list. The parameter is used to inform 'pg' of the number of lines on the screen of the user's terminal. If omitted, a default value of 22 is used. The string that is printed for a prompt may be specified using the "-m " argument sequence. The default prompt is "[] more?", which is specified by the string "[*i] more?". EXAMPLES pg -5 file fmt english | pg help -i | pg -m "continue or quit? " SEE ALSO cat (1), copy (1), print (1), page (2)