NAME page - display file on CRT terminal a page at a time SYNOPSIS subroutine page (fd, prompt, eprompt, lines) file_des fd character prompt (ARB), eprompt (ARB) integer lines DESCRIPTION 'Page' is used to display the contents of a disk file on a CRT terminal, one screenful at a time. In addition, it gives the user the ability to review or skip any part of the file if desired. The first argument is the file descriptor of a disk file to be displayed. The second argument is a format string (c.f. 'print', 'encode') to be used for prompting the user after each screen. If this format string contains a format code for an integer (e.g. "*i") then the current page number will replace it in the actual prompt. The third argument is a format string to be used for prompting the user when end-of-file is reached; it may also contain a format code for the current page number. The final argument is the number of lines on the CRT screen being used; if the value 0 is supplied, no pagination will be performed. 'Page' prompts the user after each screenful of output, then awaits a command. The following commands may be entered. (Note that alphabetic commands may be entered in upper or lower case.) n\Exit immediately. q\Exit immediately. ctrl-c\Exit immediately. y\Advance to the next page. newline\Advance to the next page. l\Set screen size to specified number of lines. "l" or "l0" causes paging to end and continuous listing to begin. ^\Redisplay previous page. \Display specified page number. +\Advance given number of pages (default 1). -\Back up given number of pages (default 1). 'Page' handles long lines correctly and does not generate multiple prompts for files whose lengths are integral multiples of the screen size. CALLS open, getlin, print, ctoi, putlin, rewind, close BUGS There is no easy way to change the page alignment, or to scan for the first page containing a given pattern. SEE ALSO pg (1)