Program uuencode; {Fixed 'off-by-one' error @ EOF in routine ENCODE1 - B.Eiben@MARKET - 16-Aug-86} CONST header = 'begin'; trailer = 'end'; defaultMode = '644'; defaultExtension = '.uue'; offset = 32; charsPerLine = 60; bytesPerHunk = 3; sixBitMask = $3F; endofinfile : boolean = FALSE; TYPE string80 = string[80]; VAR inf : file; outfile: text; infilename, outfilename, mode: string80; lineLength, numbytes, bytesInLine: integer; line: array [0..59] of char; hunk: array [0..2] of byte; chars: array [0..3] of byte; { procedure debug; var i: integer; procedure writebin(x: byte); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to 8 do begin write ((x and $80) shr 7); x := x shl 1 end; write (' ') end; begin for i := 0 to 2 do writebin(hunk[i]); writeln; for i := 0 to 3 do writebin(chars[i]); writeln; for i := 0 to 3 do writebin(chars[i] and sixBitMask); writeln end; } {Binary file read added by Ross Alford, ...!mcnc!ecsvax!alford. The original MSDOS versions of uuencode/decode just use read/write on a FILE OF BYTE. CP/M Turbo expects some file info to be stored in the first 4 bytes of files of any type other than TEXT. Getbyte (below) and Putbyte (in UUDECODE) bypass this 'feature' by using blockread and blockwrite. The only global variables either use are 'infilename' and 'inf' or 'outfilename' and 'outf'} function getbyte(var b : byte) : boolean; type bufptr = ^bufrec; bufrec = record next : bufptr; buffer : array[1..128] of byte end; const sectstobuf = 8; {max number of sectors to buffer} sectsread : integer = 0; {constants are essentially statics} bytptr : integer = 129; notopen : boolean = TRUE; j : integer = 0; infsize : integer = 0; listsaveofs : integer = 0; listsaveseg : integer = 0; var list,temp,temp2 : bufptr; begin if notopen then begin notopen := FALSE; assign(inf,infilename); {$i-} reset(inf); {$i+} if ioresult <> 0 then begin writeln('File ',infilename,' not found. Aborting'); halt end; infsize := filesize(inf); new(list); list^.next := NIL; listsaveofs := ofs(list^); listsaveseg := seg(list^); sectsread := 0 end; list := ptr(listsaveseg,listsaveofs); if bytptr > 128 then begin if list^.next <> NIL then begin temp := list^.next; dispose(list); list := temp; bytptr := 1 end else begin dispose(list); list := NIL; j := 0; while (sectsread NIL then begin b := list^.buffer[bytptr]; bytptr := succ(bytptr); getbyte := TRUE end else begin b := 0; getbyte := FALSE end end; procedure Abort (message: string80); begin {abort} writeln(message); close(inf); close(outfile); halt end; {abort} procedure Init; procedure GetFiles; VAR i: integer; temp: string80; ch: char; begin {GetFiles} if ParamCount < 1 then abort ('No input file specified.'); infilename := ParamStr(1); {$I-} assign (inf, infilename); reset (inf); {$i+} if IOResult > 0 then abort (concat ('Can''t open file ', infilename)); write('Uuencoding file ', infilename); i := pos('.', infilename); if i = 0 then outfilename := infilename else outfilename := copy (infilename, 1, pred(i)); mode := defaultMode; if ParamCount > 1 then for i := 2 to ParamCount do begin temp := Paramstr(i); if temp[1] in ['0'..'9'] then mode := temp else outfilename := temp end; if pos ('.', outfilename) = 0 then outfilename := concat(outfilename, defaultExtension); assign (outfile, outfilename); writeln (' to file ', outfilename, '.'); {$i-} reset(outfile); {$i+} if IOresult = 0 then begin Write ('Overwrite current ', outfilename, '? [Y/N] '); repeat read (kbd, ch); ch := Upcase(ch) until ch in ['Y', 'N']; writeln (ch); if ch = 'N' then abort(concat (outfilename, ' not overwritten.')) end; close(outfile); {$i-} rewrite(outfile); {$i+} if ioresult > 0 then abort(concat('Can''t open ', outfilename)); end; {getfiles} begin {Init} GetFiles; bytesInLine := 0; lineLength := 0; numbytes := 0; writeln (outfile, header, ' ', mode, ' ', infilename); end; {init} procedure FlushLine; VAR i: integer; procedure writeout(ch: char); begin {writeout} if ch = ' ' then write(outfile, '`') else write(outfile, ch) end; {writeout} begin {FlushLine} write ('.'); writeout(chr(bytesInLine + offset)); for i := 0 to pred(lineLength) do writeout(line[i]); writeln (outfile); lineLength := 0; bytesInLine := 0 end; {FlushLine} procedure FlushHunk; VAR i: integer; begin {FlushHunk} if lineLength = charsPerLine then FlushLine; chars[0] := hunk[0] shr 2; chars[1] := (hunk[0] shl 4) + (hunk[1] shr 4); chars[2] := (hunk[1] shl 2) + (hunk[2] shr 6); chars[3] := hunk[2] and sixBitMask; {debug;} for i := 0 to 3 do begin line[lineLength] := chr((chars[i] and sixBitMask) + offset); {write(line[linelength]:2);} lineLength := succ(lineLength) end; {writeln;} bytesInLine := bytesInLine + numbytes; numbytes := 0 end; {FlushHunk} procedure encode1; begin {encode1}; if numbytes = bytesperhunk then flushhunk; endofinfile := not (getbyte(hunk[numbytes])); if not endofinfile then numbytes := succ(numbytes) {No succ at EOF -BE} end; {encode1} procedure terminate; begin {terminate} if numbytes > 0 then flushhunk; if lineLength > 0 then begin flushLine; flushLine; end else flushline; writeln (outfile, trailer); close (outfile); close (inf); end; {terminate} begin {uuencode} init; while not endofinfile do encode1; terminate end. {uuencode}