{ Copyright (c) 1981 By: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and Whitesmith's Ltd., This software is derived from the book "Software Tools in Pascal", by Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger Addison-Wesley, 1981 ISBN 0-201-10342-7 Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit or other commercial gain and that this copyright notice remains intact. } PROGRAM TOOLS; {$I TOOLU.PAS} {$I INITCMD.PAS} {$I CHAPTER1.PAS} {$I CHAPTER2.PAS} {$I CHAPTER3.PAS} {$I CHAPTER4.PAS} {$I CHAPTER5.PAS} {$I CHAPTER6.PAS} {$I CHAPTER7.PAS} {$I CHAPTER8.PAS} VAR STR,STR1:STRING80; COMMAND:XSTRING; DONE:BOOLEAN; I:INTEGER; BEGIN {SHELL} DONE:=FALSE; WHILE NOT DONE DO BEGIN INITCMD; IF GETARG(1,COMMAND,MAXSTR) THEN BEGIN STR:=''; STR1:='X'; FOR I:=1 TO XLENGTH(COMMAND) DO BEGIN if COMMAND[I]in[97..122] then str1[1]:=chr(command[i]-32) ELSE STR1[1]:=chr(COMMAND[I]); STR:=CONCAT(STR,STR1); END; if str = 'CHARCOUNT' then charcount else if str = 'COPY' then copy else if str = 'LINECOUNT' then linecount else if str = 'WORDCOUNT' then wordcount else if str = 'DETAB' then detab else if str = 'ENTAB' then entab else if str = 'OVERSTRIKE' then overstrike else if str = 'COMPRESS' then compress else if str = 'EXPAND' then expand else if str = 'ECHO' then echo else if str = 'TRANSLIT' then translit else if str = 'COMPARE' then compare else if str = 'INCLUDE' then include else if str = 'CONCAT' then concat else if str = 'PRINT' then print else if str = 'MAKECOPY' then makecopy else if str = 'ARCHIVE' then archive else if str = 'SORT' then sort else if str = 'UNIQUE' then unique else if str = 'EDIT' then edit else if str = 'FORMAT' then format else if str = 'DEFINE' then macro else if str = 'MACRO' then macro else if str = 'QUIT' then halt ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('?'); DONE:=FALSE END END; endcmd; END; END.