Date: February 8, 1986 To: CP/M-86 Users From: Peter H. Haas Subject: CCPR86 Console Command Processor Replacement for CP/M-86 (CCPR86) is now available. The current release level is 1.2. Version 1.2 adds enhanced file space computation and display. CCPR86 is copyrighted. Although CCPR86 is not public domain, neither is it a commercial product. It is made available to all interested CP/M-86 users on a strictly non-commercial basis. CCPR86 is conceptually similar to, but was developed independently of, the ZCPR facility of CP/M-80. For convenience, many CCPR86 assembly-time options and source code labels are named similarly to their ZCPR counterparts. CCPR86 is distributed in a library (.LBR) file and consists of the following components: CCPR8611.A86 - Source code for CCPR86, Version 1.2 CCPRDEFS.V12 - An included file specifying CCPR capabilities CCPRPATH.V12 - An included file specifying CCPR search path CCPR8612.H86 - Assembled CCPR86, Version 1.2, ready for installation CCPR8612.DOC - Documentation for CCPR86, Version 1.2 CCPR8612.NOT - This notice CCPR86 was designed for and tested on the GENERIC version of CP/M-86. Although CCPR86 has been extensively tested, it is conceivable, indeed probable, that there are still some bugs left to be exterminated. Most significantly, CCPR86 has NOT been tested on the IBM-PC implementation of CP/M-86. I would appreciate feedback from CCPR86 users, particularly those using the IBM-PC implementation of CP/M-86.