- CP/M-68K 1.2.1 Release notes Robert Heller. Created: Mon Apr 14, 1986 06:23:21.73 Last Mod: (c) Copyright 1986 by Robert Heller All Rights Reserved The files for CP/M-68K 1.2.1 consist of: ACCESS.C, ACCESS.O - an improved access() function for the C RTL (CLIB). This version checks for write access (mode=2) as a special case. PARSEFN.O - a patched version of the internal function _parsefn that is fixed to handle drive P: correctly. CCP.O - a patched version of the CCP that has the ERA command disabled. ERA.C, ERA.O, ERA.68K - an improved ERA command. Handles bad file names correctly (reports error, rather than truncates the name, etc.). Also, generates error messages for non-existent files and protected (ReadOnly) files. To install these files you need to do the following: A>; update CLIB: A>ar68 rv clib access.o parsefn.o A>; update CPMLIB: A>ar68 rv cpmlib ccp.o A>; relink CPM.SYS (changes this for your system) A>lo68 -r -ucpm -o cpm.rel cpmlib bios.o A>size68 cpm.rel A>reloc -bXXXXXX cpm.rel cpm.sys You should edit c.sub and ce.sub to reference era.68k from the correct drive, if neccessary.