TITLE "CD Z-Sweep Configuration file, V1.0" ;=============================================================== ; This file is used to tailor the default settings of the CD ; Sweep Z-System utility. ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; CDZSWP.COM Patch offsets DDATES EQU 16H ; T/F Flag for US/European display Formats DUSER EQU 17H ; User Number for Driver Overlay (0..15) DDRIVE EQU 18H ; Drive Number for Driver Overlay (A=1..P=16) DNAME EQU 19H ; Driver Overlay Name ;--------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE CNFGDEF.LIB ;************************************************************ ; S T A R T O F O V E R L A Y C O D E ;************************************************************ ; The next 13 bytes must remain in this location. RST 0 ; For safety - file won't execute DEFW MENU1 ; for relocation of addresses, this ; points to the NEXT location. ; First MENU list must be here. All names are local. MENU1: DEFW MENU1, MENU1, SCRN1, CASE1, HELP1 ; Menu A ;========================================================= ; The case table used for CDZSWeeP, main and only menu. ;========================================================= CASE1: DEFB (CASE1X-CASE11) / (CASE12-CASE11) ; Number of cases DEFB CASE12 - CASE11 ; Length of each record ; macro .single char menu selector ; | | .function (see above) ; | | | .offset in cnfg block ; | | | | .function dependant data ; | | | | | .screen location ; | | | | | | ;case1: bitmap 0, switch, obyte0, crtflg, ascrl0, yndata ; / ; Address of data structure used by function.| CASE11: VECTOR F, TOGLTF, DDATES 1, FSCR, TFMSG CASE12: VECTOR D, DUSPEC, DUSER 0, DSCR, 0 CASE13: VECTOR N, FILESP, DNAME, 0, NSCR, 0 CASE1X: ; Label used to calc number of entries ;========================================================= SCRN1: ; Screen image for first screen DB CR,LF ; Ensure clean top of screen ;Title line - Start line count here .. DB LF,HT,HT,HT,'CD-ZSweep Configuration Options',CR,LF DB LF ; Blank lines for screen format DB HT,HT,'F) Calendar Dates displayed in format : ' FSCR: DB ' ',CR,LF DB HT,HT,'D) Drive/User for Overlay : ' DSCR: DB ' ',CR,LF DB HT,HT,'N) Driver Overlay File Name :' NSCR: DB ' ',CR,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB 0 ;terminator ;----------------------------------- ; FUNCTION DATA LIST ; Data Pair for representing Bit values in screen image ; Can also be used for Function 8 display (True/False). ; The first of each pair is for TRUE option value, ; the second for False. ; These are Null-terminated strings. Note the "DEFZ" TFMSG: DEFZ 'US ' DEFZ 'Eur' ;========================================================= ; Help screen for menu A HELP1: DB CR,LF ;ensure clean top of screen DB LF,HT,'HELP for CD-ZSweep Configuration',CR,LF,LF DB 'The display shows the current location (Drive/User) and default' DB ' name of',CR,LF DB 'the default driver/overlay to use if no driver is installed or' DB ' specified',CR,LF DB 'on the command line.'CR,LF,LF,LF DB 1,'"F"',2,'ormat Date Display in US (MM/DD/YY) or European' DB '(DD.MM.YY) style.',CR,LF,LF DB 1,'"D"',2,'rive/User - Enter the Drive ("A".."P") and User Number' DB ' (0..15)',CR,LF DB ' where the default driver is located.',CR,LF,LF DB 1,'"N"',2,'ame.typ - Enter the complete file name and type of the' DB ' desired',CR,LF DB ' default driver file.',CR,LF DB CR,LF,LF DB 0 ;========================================================= END