REM -------------[ PRINTLST.BAS (Prints MAST.LST files) ]-----------------\ \ Program written and (C) 1984 by Steven L. Sanders\ \ Date written - November 24, 1984\ \ Version 1, revision 2 (generic version)\ \ Language - CBASIC Compiler (CB80)\ \ This program will output the contents of the MAST.LST file\ generated by XCATxx.COM into a 3-across format either to the\ CRT, printer, or diskfile. I found all the other listing programs\ to be big space-wasters when it came to the number of sheets\ needed to print-out a big catalog. PRINTLST ignores all other\ disk numbers except for the first one generated by XCAT, if you\ need a cross-ref listing then use XCAT's list output function.\ \ To use, run XCATxx on your MAST.CAT file first and choose the\ diskfile output option and generate the needed MAST.LST file.\ PRINTLST will look for MAST.LST on the logged du:, read it in\ and then generate the 3-across format to CRT, printer, or disk.\ \ ----------------------------[ (C)opyrights ]---------------------------------\ copyright1$ =\ "Portions of this program (C)1983, 1984 by Digital Research " copyright2$ =\ " The rest is (C) 1984 by Steven L. Sanders" REM ------------------------[ DEFINE CONSTANTS ]-----------------------------\ false% = 0 REM true and false used for true% = NOT false% REM while/wend loops bell$ = CHR$(07h) REM console bell cr$ = CHR$(0dh) REM carriage return formfeed$ = CHR$(0ch) REM printer formfeed file.mast$ = "mast.lst" REM source MAST.LST sep$ = " | " REM file seperator fil.sep$ = " | " REM output file seperator REM -------------------[ program code begins ]--------------------------\ begin: ON ERROR GOTO error.handler FOR scroll% = 1 TO 24 : PRINT : NEXT scroll% PRINT\ " PRINTLST v1.2 - Prints the MAST.LST file (C)1984 Steven L. Sanders" PRINT\ " ===================================================================" PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " Output to:

rinter, RT, or iskfile? (P, C, or D): "; well: PRINT bell$; answer% = INKEY IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "P" THEN\ PRINT "Printer":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "D" THEN\ PRINT "Diskfile":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) <> "C" THEN GOTO well PRINT "CRT" REM -----------------------[ output to crt ]----------------------------------\ IF NOT SIZE(file.mast$) THEN \ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "Unable to open MAST.LST on current du:" + bell$:\ STOP \ ELSE \ OPEN file.mast$ AS 1 IF END #1 THEN thats.all count% = 1 line% = 1 new.head: PRINT:PRINT\ "filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk" PRINT\ "----------------------------------------------------------------------" WHILE true% IF count% > 3 THEN\ count% = 1:\ PRINT READ #1;LINE input.line$ IF MID$(input.line$,4,5) = "DONE:" THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO IF LEFT$(input.line$,9) = " " THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO thats.all PRINT LEFT$(input.line$,20); IF count% = 1 OR count% = 2 THEN \ PRINT sep$; line% = line% + 1 count% = count% + 1 IF line% <= 60 THEN GOTO line% = 1 PRINT:PRINT "[ any key or uit ]"; dummy% = INKEY IF UCASE$(CHR$(dummy%)) = "Q" THEN\ PRINT cr$;" ";cr$;:\ CLOSE 1:\ STOP\ ELSE\ GOTO new.head WEND thats.all: PRINT PRINT "All done." + bell$ STOP REM ------------------------[ output to printer ]----------------------------\ IF NOT SIZE(file.mast$) THEN \ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "Unable to open MAST.LST on current du:" + bell$:\ STOP \ ELSE \ OPEN file.mast$ AS 1 PRINT bell$:INPUT\ " Enter today's date (MM/DD/YY): ";LINE$ IF LEN($) <> 8 THEN GOTO PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " ++ Outputting MAST.LST to the printer ++"; IF END #1 THEN all.printed count% = 1 line% = 1 page% = 1 LPRINTER WIDTH 80 PRINT\ "MAST.LST - Master CP/M Catalog as of " +$ + \ " page";page% PRINT:PRINT\ "filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk" PRINT\ "----------------------------------------------------------------------" IF page% = 1 THEN PRINT WHILE true% IF count% > 3 THEN\ count% = 1:\ PRINT READ #1;LINE input.line$ IF MID$(input.line$,4,5) = "DONE:" THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO IF LEFT$(input.line$,9) = " " THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO all.printed PRINT LEFT$(input.line$,20); IF count% = 1 OR count% = 2 THEN \ PRINT sep$; line% = line% + 1 count% = count% + 1 IF line% <= 171 THEN GOTO line% = 1 PRINT formfeed$ page% = page% + 1 GOTO WEND all.printed: CONSOLE CLOSE 1 PRINT:PRINT "All done." + bell$ STOP REM ------------------------[ output to diskfile ]----------------------------\ IF NOT SIZE(file.mast$) THEN \ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "Unable to open MAST.LST on current du:" + bell$:\ STOP \ ELSE \ OPEN file.mast$ AS 1 PRINT PRINT bell$:INPUT\ " Enter today's date (MM/DD/YY): ";LINE$ IF LEN($) <> 8 THEN GOTO PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ "Enter drive to create MASTER.LST on (A,B,C,or c/r for default): "; PRINT bell$; answer% = INKEY IF answer% = 0dh THEN\ PRINT "Default":\ file.form$ = "MASTER.LST":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "A" THEN\ PRINT "A":\ file.form$ = "A:MASTER.LST":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "B" THEN\ PRINT "B":\ file.form$ = "B:MASTER.LST":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "C" THEN\ PRINT "C":\ file.form$ = "C:MASTER.LST":\ GOTO GOTO IF SIZE(file.form$) THEN\ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT bell$ +\ " Program ABORTED! MASTER.LST file already exists!":\ STOP\ ELSE\ CREATE file.form$ AS 2 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " ++ Creating " + file.form$ + " file ++"; IF END #1 THEN all.formatted count% = 1 PRINT USING "&";#2;\ "MASTER.LST - Master CP/M Catalog as of " +$ PRINT USING "&";#2;" " PRINT USING "&";#2;\ "filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk" PRINT USING "&";#2;\ "----------------------------------------------------------------------" WHILE true% IF count% = 4 THEN\ count% = 1:\ GOSUB output.the.line READ #1;LINE input.line$ IF MID$(input.line$,4,5) = "DONE:" THEN\ done$ = input.line$:\ PRINT USING "&";#2;input.line$:\ GOTO IF LEFT$(input.line$,9) = " " THEN\ done2$ = input.line$:\ PRINT USING "&";#2;input.line$:\ GOTO all.formatted IF count% = 1 THEN file1$ = LEFT$(input.line$,20) IF count% = 2 THEN file2$ = LEFT$(input.line$,20) IF count% = 3 THEN file3$ = LEFT$(input.line$,20) count% = count% + 1 GOTO WEND output.the.line: PRINT USING "& & & & &";#2;file1$,fil.sep$,file2$,fil.sep$,file3$ RETURN all.formatted: CLOSE 1 CLOSE 2 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " " + done$ PRINT\ " " + done2$ + bell$ STOP REM ----------------------------[ error handler ]----------------------------\ error.handler: IF ERR = "DW" OR ERR = "ME" THEN\ PRINT:PRINT\ " Operating system reports an error!!":\ PRINT:PRINT\ " Check disk for FREE space available" + bell$\ ELSE\ PRINT:PRINT bell$ +\ " Error Code --> ";err STOP REM --------------------------[ the end ... ]-------------------------------\