NUMBERIT Version 1.0 Nov 1986 Anyone who uses disk catagloging programs such as FATCAT or MCAT knows that one of the requisites is that the disk contain a file that identifies the disk uniquely. The normal convention is to use a file such as -BASIC.001. The dash forces the file to be at the top of the sort list and the three digit extension is what is actually used to number the disk. The rest of the name can be anything that further describes the content of the disk. In the past, I have always formatted my disks a box at a time and then used QUICKEY to define a character to exceute a warm boot, and the command "SAVE 0 B:-.". I then finish the instruction by typing the disks ID number. This isn't too inconvenient but why should I have to keep track of the numbers! This tiny program was actually started to be part of a larger one, that does something completley different but I noticed that the BCBC compiler opens a file by creating one if it doesn't already exist. Unlike MBASIC, it doesn't even write an end of file character on the file so the file is really zero bytes long. If you had a similar program in MBASIC, your file would be the minimum size for your computer (2K for my KAYPRO). When you run NUMBERIT, it will ask you for a file name that will be used for all files and MUST include the disk drive. The program will then ask for the first number to use as an extension. Before each file creation, it will wait for a carriage return. A control-C will abort at any of the input statements. If you proceed, a disk reset is performed and the file is created. If the file already existed, it will be left untouched since really all the program is doing is opening a file. The next file created will be identical except that the extension will be one number higher. I would strongly suggest that anyone interested in using a cheap basic compiler should get B-COMPIL.LBR from your local BBS. I have found that it is also a learning tool for 8080 CP/M assembly language since that is what you get out of the compiler. You can even use it to simplify writing assembly language programs. Let BCBC do the mundane things like ask and check input, string manipulation etc. and then do the interesting stuff in ASM. You may also want to get BCBCNOTE.LBR which I uploaded some time ago. It contains a users guide of sorts and some bug fixes to BCBC.BAS. Pierre Kerr, Ottawa Nov 1986