10 PRINT "This program will create empty file names like -.001" 20 PRINT "that are useful for disk catalog programs. The file will" 30 PRINT "take up 0K and the extension will be incremented automatically" 40 PRINT "Between file creations, a disk reset is done to ensure no" 50 PRINT "BDOS errors occur" 60 PRINT "Thanks to Bruce Tonkin for BCBC Basic Compiler..." 70 PRINT " Pierre Kerr, Ottawa Nov 1986" 80 P$="." 90 PRINT:PRINT "Enter the filename including disk drive ID (EG. B:-DATA) "; 100 INPUT FIN$ 110 REM Since BCBC doesn't allow FIN$=C$+"." we need to define P$="." 120 C$=FIN$+P$ 130 PRINT:PRINT "Now enter the starting value for the extension " 140 INPUT EXT 150 PRINT "To stop enter a CNTRL-C " 160 REM Make up the file name 170 REM Note: it's always a good idea to keep statements VERY simple in BCBC 180 A$=STR$(EXT) 190 B$=RIGHT$(A$,3) 200 FI$=C$+B$ 210 PRINT "Creating ";:PRINT FI$:PRINT "Type RETURN to proceed or CNTRL-C to QUIT" 220 INPUT T$ 230 REM Insert Inline ASM to do a disk reset 240 #ASM 250 MVI C,13 260 CALL 5 270 #ENDASM 280 OPEN 1,FI$ 290 EXT=EXT+1 300 GOTO 160 310 END