REM -------------[ PRINTLST.BAS (Prints MAST.LST files) ]-----------------\ \ SPECIAL VERSION FOR KAYPRO + LEGACY TIME CLOCK \ \ \ Program written and (C) 1985 by Steven L. Sanders\ \ Date written - November 24, 1984\ \ Version 1, revision 3\ \ Language - CBASIC Compiler (CB80)\ \ Designed for use with a video-able Kaypro computer or\ ADM3-A terminal.\ \ This program will output the contents of the MAST.LST file\ generated by XCATxx.COM into a 3-across format either to the\ CRT, printer, or diskfile. I found all the other listing programs\ to be big space-wasters when it came to the number of sheets\ needed to print-out a big catalog. PRINTLST ignores all other\ disk numbers except for the first one generated by XCAT, if you\ need a cross-ref listing then use XCAT's list output function.\ \ To use, run XCATxx on your MAST.CAT file first and choose the\ diskfile output option and generate the needed MAST.LST file.\ PRINTLST will look for MAST.LST on the logged du:, read it in\ and then generate the 3-across format to CRT, printer, or disk.\ \ \ Revision notes \ \ Vers 1.3 - Fixed a bug from 1.2 that would cause the program to \ barf when it encountered an overrun line of nothing but disk numbers.\ It will now ignore these lines and continue with the next filename\ to be processed.\ \ ----------------------------[ (C)opyrights ]---------------------------------\ copyright1$ =\ "Portions of this program (C)1983, 1984 by Digital Research " copyright2$ =\ " The rest is (C) 1985 by Steven L. Sanders" REM ------------------------[ DEFINE CONSTANTS ]-----------------------------\ vers$ = "1.3" REM current vers and rev false% = 0 REM true and false used for true% = NOT false% REM while/wend loops bell$ = CHR$(07h) REM console bell cr$ = CHR$(0dh) REM carriage return clr$ = CHR$(1ah) REM clear screen esc$ = CHR$(1bh) REM ESCape eos$ = CHR$(017h) REM clear to end of screen formfeed$ = CHR$(0ch) REM printer formfeed REM ----------------------[ KAYPRO VIDEO CODES ]-----------------------------\ inv.on$ = esc$ + "B0" REM inverse video ON$ = esc$ + "C0" REM inverse video OFF half.on$ = esc$ + "B1" REM half intensity ON$ = esc$ + "C1" REM half intensity OFF blink.on$ = esc$ + "B2" REM blink ON$ = esc$ + "C2" REM blink OFF cur.on$ = esc$ + "B4" REM cursor on$ = esc$ + "C4" REM cursor off save.cur$ = esc$ + "B6" REM save current cursor position rest.cur$ = esc$ + "C6" REM restore cursor position stat.on$ = esc$ + "B7" REM enable status line$ = esc$ + "C7" REM disable status line pos.cur$ = esc$ + "=8 " REM load cursor to col 1 line 25 REM --------------------[ DEFINE FUNCTIONS ]----------------------------------\ REM position cursor DEF fn.cursor$(v%,h%) PRINT esc$ + "=" + CHR$(v%+32) + CHR$(h%+32); RETURN FEND REM this function will center a string DEF$) center% = (80 - LEN(data$))/2 PRINT TAB(center%);data$; RETURN FEND REM turns up a clean page under title header DEF PRINT FN.CURSOR$(4,0);eos$; RETURN FEND DEF fn.screen.two% PRINT FN.CURSOR$(2,0);eos$; RETURN FEND file.mast$ = "mast.lst" REM source MAST.LST sep$ = " | " REM file seperator fil.sep$ = " | " REM output file seperator REM -------------------[ program code begins ]--------------------------\ begin: ON ERROR GOTO error.handler REM take care of problems PRINT clr$ + inv.on$ + half.on$ +\ " PRINTLST v"+vers$+\ " - Formats the MAST.LST file (C)1985 Steven Sanders " + \$ +$ GOSUB clock PRINT save.cur$+stat.on$+pos.cur$+\ " Time: " + clock.time$ + " Date: " +$ PRINT rest.cur$; PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " Enter a now to abort, or select -" PRINT:PRINT\ " Output to: "+inv.on$+"

"$+"rinter, "+\ inv.on$+""$+"RT, or "+\ inv.on$+""$+"iskfile? "; well: PRINT bell$; answer% = INKEY IF answer% = 0dh THEN PRINT$ + clr$ : STOP IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "P" THEN\ PRINT "Printer":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "D" THEN\ PRINT "Diskfile":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) <> "C" THEN GOTO well PRINT "CRT" REM -----------------------[ output to crt ]----------------------------------\ GOSUB chek.for.file IF END #1 THEN thats.all count% = 1 line% = 1 dummy% = fn.screen.two% PRINT$; REM turn cursor off until exit PRINT\ "filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk" PRINT\ "----------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT WHILE true% IF count% > 3 THEN\ count% = 1:\ PRINT READ #1;LINE input.line$ IF MID$(input.line$,4,5) = "DONE:" THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO IF LEFT$(input.line$,15) = " " THEN\ GOTO IF MID$(input.line$,15,6) = "UNIQUE" THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO thats.all PRINT LEFT$(input.line$,20); IF count% = 1 OR count% = 2 THEN \ PRINT sep$; line% = line% + 1 count% = count% + 1 IF line% <= 51 THEN GOTO line% = 1 PRINT:PRINT blink.on$ + " [ any key or uit ] " +\$; dummy% = INKEY IF UCASE$(CHR$(dummy%)) = "Q" THEN\ PRINT cr$;" ";cr$;:\ CLOSE 1:\ PRINT$+clr$:\ PRINT cur.on$:\ REM turn cursor back on again STOP\ ELSE\ dummy% =\ GOTO WEND thats.all: PRINT cur.on$$+clr$ PRINT "All done." + bell$ STOP REM ------------------------[ output to printer ]----------------------------\ GOSUB chek.for.file dummy% = PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " ++ Outputting MAST.LST to the printer ++" PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " >> Press to abort printing <<"; IF END #1 THEN all.printed count% = 1 line% = 1 page% = 1 LPRINTER WIDTH 80 PRINT\ "MAST.LST - Master CP/M Catalog as of " +$ + " at " + clock.time$+ \ " page";page% PRINT:PRINT\ "filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk" PRINT\ "----------------------------------------------------------------------" IF page% = 1 THEN PRINT WHILE true% IF count% > 3 THEN\ count% = 1:\ PRINT READ #1;LINE input.line$ WHILE CONSTAT% abort% = CONCHAR% IF UCASE$(CHR$(abort%)) = "A" THEN\ CONSOLE : CLOSE 1 :\ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT$+blink.on$+\ " [ Printing ABORTED ]" +\$ + bell$:\ STOP WEND IF LEFT$(input.line$,15) = " " THEN\ GOTO IF MID$(input.line$,4,5) = "DONE:" THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO IF MID$(input.line$,15,6) = "UNIQUE" THEN\ PRINT input.line$:\ GOTO all.printed PRINT LEFT$(input.line$,20); IF count% = 1 OR count% = 2 THEN \ PRINT sep$; line% = line% + 1 count% = count% + 1 IF line% <= 171 THEN GOTO line% = 1 PRINT formfeed$ page% = page% + 1 GOTO WEND all.printed: CONSOLE CLOSE 1 PRINT$+clr$ PRINT:PRINT "All done." + bell$ STOP REM ------------------------[ output to diskfile ]----------------------------\ GOSUB chek.for.file dummy% = PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ "Enter drive to create MASTER.LST on (A,B,C,or c/r for default): "; PRINT bell$; answer% = INKEY IF answer% = 0dh THEN\ PRINT "Default":\ file.form$ = "MASTER.LST":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "A" THEN\ PRINT "A":\ file.form$ = "A:MASTER.LST":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "B" THEN\ PRINT "B":\ file.form$ = "B:MASTER.LST":\ GOTO IF UCASE$(CHR$(answer%)) = "C" THEN\ PRINT "C":\ file.form$ = "C:MASTER.LST":\ GOTO GOTO IF SIZE(file.form$) THEN\ dummy% =\ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT bell$ +\ " Program ABORTED! MASTER.LST file already exists!":\ PRINT$:\ STOP\ ELSE\ CREATE file.form$ AS 2 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " ++ Creating " + file.form$ + " - Press to abort ++" IF END #1 THEN all.formatted line.number% = 1 count% = 1 PRINT:PRINT PRINT USING "&";#2;\ "MASTER.LST - Master CP/M Catalog as of " +$ +\ " " + clock.time$ PRINT USING "&";#2;" " PRINT USING "&";#2;\ "filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk | filename.typ - dsk" PRINT USING "&";#2;\ "----------------------------------------------------------------------" WHILE true% IF count% = 4 THEN\ count% = 1:\ line.number% = line.number% + 1:\ PRINT cr$;" Now working line#";line.number%;:\ GOSUB output.the.line READ #1;LINE input.line$ WHILE CONSTAT% abort% = CONCHAR% IF UCASE$(CHR$(abort%)) = "A" THEN\ CLOSE 1 : CLOSE 2 :\ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT blink.on$+\ " [ ABORTED ]"+\$ + bell$:\ PRINT$;:\ STOP WEND IF LEFT$(input.line$,15) = " " THEN\ GOTO IF MID$(input.line$,4,5) = "DONE:" THEN\ done$ = input.line$:\ PRINT USING "&";#2;input.line$:\ GOTO IF MID$(input.line$,15,6) = "UNIQUE" THEN\ done2$ = input.line$:\ PRINT USING "&";#2;input.line$:\ GOTO all.formatted IF count% = 1 THEN file1$ = LEFT$(input.line$,20) IF count% = 2 THEN file2$ = LEFT$(input.line$,20) IF count% = 3 THEN file3$ = LEFT$(input.line$,20) count% = count% + 1 GOTO WEND output.the.line: PRINT USING "& & & & &";#2;file1$,fil.sep$,file2$,fil.sep$,file3$ RETURN all.formatted: CLOSE 1 CLOSE 2 dummy% = PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT\ " " + done$ PRINT\ " " + done2$ + bell$ PRINT$ STOP chek.for.file: IF NOT SIZE(file.mast$) THEN \ PRINT:PRINT:PRINT blink.on$+\ " >> Unable to find MAST.LST on current drive/user <<" +\$+bell$:\ STOP \ ELSE \ OPEN file.mast$ AS 1 RETURN REM -------------------[ Legacy clock routines ]-----------------------------\ \ For use with the Legacy Computer Systems Z-80 piggy-back\ real-time clock board. Be sure to set port equates below \ depending on whether you have the KP2/4 board or the KP10 board. clock: DIM TIME(13) FOR digit = 0 TO 12 Z1 = 079h : Z2 = 07bh REM for Kaypro 10 board REM Kaypro 2/4 board uses Z1 = 0ah : z2 = 0bh OUT Z1,0 REM preset data reg OUT Z2,0cfh REM set mode3 OUT Z2,0 REM all outputs mask OUT Z1,digit REM send address OUT Z1,digit+128 REM set latch OUT Z1,digit OUT Z1,020h REM set read line OUT Z2,0cfh REM set mode3 OUT Z2,0fh REM d7-d4 are still output OUT Z1,020h REM read data D1 = INP(Z1) AND 0fh TIME(digit) = D1 NEXT digit REM time is given in 24 hr format HH:MM:SS clock.time$ = CHR$((TIME(5)-8)+48)+CHR$(TIME(4)+48)+":"+ \ CHR$(TIME(3)+48)+CHR$(TIME(2)+48)+":"+ \ CHR$(TIME(1)+48)+CHR$(TIME(0)+48) IF TIME(6) = 0 THEN day$ = "Sunday" IF TIME(6) = 1 THEN day$ = "Monday" IF TIME(6) = 2 THEN day$ = "Tuesday" IF TIME(6) = 3 THEN day$ = "Wednesday" IF TIME(6) = 4 THEN day$ = "Thursday" IF TIME(6) = 5 THEN day$ = "Friday" IF TIME(6) = 6 THEN day$ = "Saturday"$ = day$ REM the date is MM/DD/YY format$ = CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48)+ "/" +\ CHR$(TIME(8)+48)+CHR$(TIME(7)+48)+ "/" +\ CHR$(TIME(12)+48)+CHR$(TIME(11)+48)$ =$ clock.year$ = CHR$(TIME(12)+48)+CHR$(TIME(11)+48) IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "01" THEN\ month$ = "Jan" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "02" THEN\ month$ = "Feb" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "03" THEN\ month$ = "Mar" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "04" THEN\ month$ = "Apr" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "05" THEN\ month$ = "May" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "06" THEN\ month$ = "Jun" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "07" THEN\ month$ = "Jul" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "08" THEN\ month$ = "Aug" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "09" THEN\ month$ = "Sep" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "10" THEN\ month$ = "Oct" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "11" THEN\ month$ = "Nov" IF CHR$(TIME(10)+48)+CHR$(TIME(9)+48) = "12" THEN\ month$ = "Dec"$ = CHR$(TIME(8)+48)+CHR$(TIME(7)+48) + "-" +\ month$ + "-" + clock.year$ RETURN REM ----------------------------[ error handler ]----------------------------\ error.handler: IF ERR = "DW" OR ERR = "ME" THEN\ dummy%\ PRINT:PRINT\ " Operating system reports an error!!":\ PRINT:PRINT\ " Check disk for FREE space available" + bell$\ ELSE\ dummy% =\ PRINT:PRINT bell$ +\ " CB80 Error Code --> ";err PRINT cur.on$ REM in case we bailed out in CRT mode STOP REM --------------------------[ the end ... ]-------------------------------\