->>> Compare Catalogs <<<- 9 Nov 85 CCAT is a "double-ended" list comparison program intended specifically to be used as a companion to the excellent MCAT and XCAT programs by Irvin M. Hoff. CCAT was written to provide a convenient means by which to compare the catalog listings of two independent collections of programs (e.g., the catalog listing of a working library and that of an archive collection). Inputs to CCAT are MAST.LST files generated as output by the XCAT listing program. The output of CCAT is a double listing: (1) A list of all files in MAST.LST A which do not appear in MAST.LST B and: (2) A list of all files in MAST.LST B which do not appear in MAST.LST A The output from CCAT may be directed to the printer or to a disk file, but is always sent to the screen. If a disk file is selected, a backup of a previous CCAT output file is automatically created. An example of syntax for CCAT when input data is put on the command line is: A>CCAT B:MAST.LST C:MAST.LST If only CCAT is entered on the command line, the remaining data is requested. The request for an output file name may be answered with a carriage return if the default name is acceptable. The two input files (any name), may be selected from any drive. File output will default to the logged drive as ODDFILE.LST unless otherwise specified. CCAT consists of a COM file and CCAT.000 (an overlay). The overlay allows very large (more than 3000) MAST.LSTings to be processed and the output to be neatly formatted. The Turbo Pascal source file is included. NOTES: If user wishes to rename CCATxx.COM, the source file must be recompiled - otherwise the overlay will not be found at run-time. A run-time error (F0) will be indicated. CCAT must be run from the logged drive. (The program expects the to find the overlay on the logged drive during execution.) Please report any problems to: Richard Mack 3407A Courtleigh Drive Baltimore, MD 21207 301-922-1176 CompuServe ID: 76367,457