program calc(input, output); { CALC -- interactive multi-base expression evaluator (C) 1987 Eric Hammond } { programmer: Eric Hammond last update: 07.20.1987 } { =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version history of CALC: 01/ /87 1.00 Original version written in VAX Pascal. : : : 06/ /87 2.00 Converted to MS-DOS Turbo Pascal. : : : 06/30/87 2.20 Added capabilities for large numbers. Several bugs fixed. 06/30/87 2.21 Added unary negation. 06/30/87 2.22 Added factorial operator. 07/20/87 2.23 Converted to CP/M Turbo Pascal. Fixed another bug. 07/12/87 2.24 Fixed long multiplication algorythm. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or have found any bugs in CALC, please contact: Eric Hammond 10040 Daly Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45231 Or leave a message to Eric Hammond on the Cincinnati Osborne Group (COG) MBBS RCP/M. 513/481-1417 (2400/1200/300, 8, N, 1). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } const VERSION = 'v2.24'; {$i} procedure help; begin { procedure help } writeln; writeln; writeln('Calc ', VERSION, ' (C) 1987 Eric Hammond'); writeln; writeln('commands:'); writeln; writeln('I nn - set Input radix (nn in decimal)'); writeln('O nn - set Output radix (nn in decimal)'); writeln('expression - evaluate'); writeln('P expr - display Postfix conversion, and evaluate'); writeln('R rpn_expr - evaluate an RPN (postfix) expression'); writeln('? - help'); writeln('X - eXit'); writeln; writeln('operators used in expressions:'); writeln; writeln('( ) parentheses'); writeln('! factorial'); writeln('- unary negation'); writeln('** raising to a power'); writeln('* / % multiplication, division, modulus'); writeln('+ - addition, subtraction'); writeln('& bitwise and'); writeln('| ^ bitwise or, bitwise exclusive or'); end; { procedure help } {$i} procedure trim_str(var s : str); begin { procedure trim_str } if length(s) > 1 then while (s[1] = ' ') and (length(s) > 1) do s := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1); if length(s) > 1 then while (s[length(s)] = ' ') and (length(s) > 1) do s := copy(s, 1, length(s) - 1); s := s + ' '; end; { procedure trim_str } procedure get_inst(var inst : char; var args : str); var inline_s : str; begin { procedure get_inst } writeln; write('[', in_rad : 2, '] : '); readln(inline_s); trim_str(inline_s); if inline_s = '' then inst := ' ' else if inline_s[1] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F', '(', '-'] then begin inst := '*'; args := inline_s; end else begin inst := inline_s[1]; args := copy(inline_s, 2, length(inline_s) - 1); trim_str(args); end; end; { procedure get_inst } procedure set_radix(var radix : integer; new_val : str; direction : str); var new_rad : integer; err : integer; begin { procedure set_rad } new_val := copy(new_val, 1, length(new_val) - 1); val(new_val, new_rad, err); if (err <> 0) then new_rad := radix; if (new_rad >= LORAD) and (new_rad <= HIRAD) then begin radix := new_rad; writeln(direction, ' radix set to ', radix :1); end else writeln('Invalid radix (', LORAD : 1, '-', HIRAD : 1, ').'); end; { procedure set_rad } function is_op(token : str) : boolean; begin { function is_op } is_op := (token[1] in OPCHARS + PARENS); end; { function is_op } function is_num(token : str) : boolean; begin { function is_num } if token = '' then is_num := false else if token [1] in NUMDIGIT then is_num := true else is_num := false; end; { functioon is_num } function get_token(var s : str; var token : str) : boolean; var dummy : str; procedure get_in_set(var s, token : str; c_set : char_set; in_set : boolean); var is_more : boolean; begin { procedure get_in_set } is_more := true; token := ''; while (length(s) >= 1) and is_more do if (s[1] in c_set) = in_set then begin get_token := true; token := token + s[1]; s := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1) end else is_more := false end; { procedure get_in_set } begin { function get_token } token := ''; if s <> '' then get_in_set(s, dummy, WHITESPACE, true); if s = '' then get_token := false else if s[1] in NUMDIGIT then begin get_in_set(s, token, NUMDIGIT, true); get_token := true; end else if s[1] in OPCHARS then begin token := s[1]; s := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1); if (token = '*') and (length(s) > 0) then if (s[1] = '*') then begin token := token + s[1]; s := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1); end; get_token := true; end else if s[1] in PARENS then begin token := s[1]; s := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1); get_token := true; end else begin token := s[1]; s := copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1); get_token := true; end; end; { function get_token } {$i} {$i} function eval_expr(expr : str; in_rad, out_rad : integer; var val, post_expr : str; in_post : boolean) : boolean; var valid : boolean; dec_val : number; begin { function eval_expr } valid := true; val := ''; if expr = '' then begin writeln('No expression given.'); valid := false; end else begin if in_post then begin if not fix_post(expr, post_expr) then begin writeln('Invalid postfix expression.'); valid := false; end end else if not conv_post(expr, post_expr) then begin writeln('Unable to convert to postfix.'); valid := false; end; if valid then if not eval_post(post_expr, dec_val) then begin writeln('Unable to evaluate postfix.'); valid := false; end else if out_rad = 10 then toother(dec_val, out_rad, val, false) else toother(dec_val, out_rad, val, true); end; eval_expr := valid; end; { function eval_expr } procedure put_val(expr : str; in_rad, out_rad : integer; sho_post : boolean; in_post : boolean); var val, post_expr : str; begin { procedure put_val } if eval_expr(expr, in_rad, out_rad, val, post_expr, in_post) then begin if sho_post then writeln(' = ', post_expr); writeln('[', out_rad : 2, '] = ', val); end else writeln('Invalid expression.'); end; { procedure put_val } begin { main } writeln; writeln('Calc ', VERSION, ' (C) 1987 Eric Hammond'); writeln; writeln('Type ''?'' for help.'); zero(zero_n); in_rad := 10; out_rad := 10; repeat get_inst(inst, args); if inst <> 'X' then case inst of 'I', 'i' : set_radix(in_rad, args, 'Input'); 'O', 'o' : set_radix(out_rad, args, 'Output'); '*' : put_val(args, in_rad, out_rad, false, false); 'P', 'p' : put_val(args, in_rad, out_rad, true, false); 'R', 'r' : put_val(args, in_rad, out_rad, false, true); '?' : help; ' ' : ; 'X', 'x' : ; else writeln('Invalid instruction ''', inst,''' (use ''?'' for help).'); end; until inst in ['X', 'x']; end. { main }