QS (Quick Set) is a program to set or reset file attribute bits. It is primarily intended for CP/M 3.0 to take the place of the SET program for setting file attributes. The SET program is 12K long and is somewhat slow for normal use. QS is invoked by specifying the file name and up to three options: QS filename.typ options An optional drive specifier can be used and the file must be in the current user area. The options are: R - Set RO attribute S - Set SYS attribute A - Set Archive attribute If an option is not given then it is reset. Any number of options can be given but only the first three are pro- cessed. Any options other than R, S or A are ignored. Examples: 1. QS X.Y Set X.Y to DIR, RW 2. QS X.Y R Set X.Y to DIR, RO 3. QS X.Y AS Set X.Y to SYS, RW, Archive 4. QS X.Y SG Set X.Y to SYS, RW 5. QS X.Y SAR Set X.Y to SYS, RO, Archive