1000 REM 1010 REM Example program using BDOS/BDOSHL calls 1020 REM -- don't try to be smart and pass numbers directly, it won't work 1030 REM you must put them in INTEGER variables and then pass them. 1040 REM 1050 REM pst 6/29/85 1060 REM 1070 REM Note: to make this program run: 1080 REM A>BASCOM =GETNAME (compile program) 1090 REM A>L80 GETNAME,BDOS,GETNAME/N/E (link in BDOS code) 1100 REM 1110 REM 1120 DEFINT A-Z ' all integers used here 1130 REM 1140 REM First check to see if BYE is running 1150 REM 1160 CMD = 32: DAT = 241: RES = 0 1170 CALL BDOS(CMD, DAT, RES) 1180 IF RES<>77 THEN PRINT "Bye337 or newer must be running.":STOP 1190 REM 1200 REM Print name of current user (assuming BBS poked LC buffer with name) 1210 REM 1220 CMD = 80 ' get lastcaller buffer 1230 DAT = 0 ' no data need be passed 1240 RES = 0 ' will be modified by result of BDOS call 1250 REM 1260 CALL BDOSHL(CMD, DAT, RES) 1270 REM 1280 WHILE PEEK(RES)<>0 1290 NAME$= NAME$ + CHR$(PEEK(RES)) 1300 RES = RES + 1 1310 WEND 1320 PRINT "Name: ";NAME$ 1330 END