For assembly with Z80MR ( the included Z1.COM ), make sure you have all references for a .ZRL file set to non-ZRL (this is the way it is distributed). Use TELL to show you where your BDOS entry is, set BASE equate and all other applicable ones, then assemble to a .HEX file with Z1.COM. You will get an error message saying the BDOS is greater then 3854, ignore this, but do note the hexadecimal number at the left side of the error line. This is the last address in the BDOS. If it is greater then BASE+800h+E00h, then the BDOS is to large (should NOT happen). Example: With the code as distributed, TELL said CCP as D400, BASE is set to D400, and the error message says E9F7 at the left. Well, D400+800h=DC00, DC00+E00=EA00, which is greater than the E9F7 shown, so all is well.