Summary of commands in CCP+ NOTE: any commands, or the range of du addressing, may be restricted with an installation time configurable wheel byte and ranges. NOTE: Blanks are generally ignored, except to serve as delimiters. Thus 'DIR A3:' is the same as 'DIR A3: ' or ' DIR A3:'. The exception is initial blanks when specifying a transient (on disk) command, which may corrupt the passed command line. NOTE: Tabs are generally treated as blanks. They are passed unchanged to applications in command lines. login ----- [d][u]: login to drive/user ex: A3: 0: B: dir --- DIR [[d][u]:]afn[.ft][ o] [;[[d][u]:]afn[.ft] [o]].... where o is either 'O' for only system files or 'S' for system files also ex: DIR (of default drive/user) DIR a3: (of drive A, user 3) DIR b2:*.com (all .COM on drive B, user 2) DIR a0:*.* o (all system files on drive A0:) DIR b3:;a1: (of B3: and of A1:) era --- ERA [[d][u]:]afn[.ft] ex: ERA *.* (asks 'ALL (y/n)') ERA b3:junk.typ (removes B3:JUNK.TYP) ERA *.bak (removes all .BAK, default drv/user) type ---- TYPE [[d][u]:fn[.ft] ex: TYPE b3:thing.mac (types b3:thing.mac on console) save ---- SAVE nn[+] [[d][u]:]fn[.ft] (nn in decimal) ex: SAVE 5 a2:junk.x (saves 5 pages = 10 records in A2:JUNK.X) SAVE 4+ barf (saves 4+ pages = 9 records in BARF. ) (The '+' adds one record to the nn specification) ren --- REN [[d][u]:]newfn[.ntp]=[[d][u]:]oldfn[.typ] (note: the 2 du's should agree) ex: REN (renames old to caps ---- CAPS ex: CAPS (inverts the upshift flag, allowing or preventing lower case command lines being passed to applications) go -- GO ex: STAT A:*.* GO B:*.* (re-executes the currently loaded program) other ----- [[d][u]:name (transient commands) ex: STAT (executes STAT.COM) A:DIR (executes A:DIR.COM) B4:TESTIT (executes B4:TESTIT.COM) 3:TRYIT (executes current drive, user 3 TRYIT.COM) note that files with the same names as built-in commands can be executed by including a du specification.