Documentation for [XBBS] v2.3 Message System Written by: Robert Crump Northridge Systems RCP/M - [XBBS] 818-708-3284 300/1200 Baud First a word on the program. This Message System uses high memory locations for storing the users password and user number. Also in hi memory the return flag is set for CP/M users that wish to re-enter [XBBS]. This flag MUST be cleared by BYE in order for a new user to log onto the system. INSTALLATION: Step 1) Using DDT; obtain at least 7 bytes of free memory in hi ram. Write the first number down; ie location FA10=NOP. Steð 2© Loaä thå basiã codå usinç MBASIÃ 5.² oò WÓ oò VEDIT. Locatå thå equate at the top of the program -> RT This is where you'll make your first change. Place RT; the hé  memorù locatioî that you wrote down. Iô  shoulä looë likå thisº RT=&HFA10. The rest of the memory equates will set themselves. The line should then look like this: RT=&HFA10:RT1=(RT+1):RT2=(RT+6) Step 3) System access and passwords. a) SYS1$ place your first and last name here. b) P1$ place quick CP/M access password here. 1) Any length may be used, it P1$="ABCDEFGHI" c) P2$ place your sysop password here. 1) SYSOP MUST be first followed by the pw. ie: P2$="ABCDEFGHI" d) P3$ Currently set to NOPASS. If CP/M access by password is desired, replace NOPASS with the desired password that you will give users. ie: P3$="ABCDEFGHI" (any length) e) P4$ MUST be 6 characters long. This is your password that is entered into messages from you to ALL or a named person. This protects msgs from deletion by any other person but you. ie: P4$="ABCDEF" Remember 6 is SIX; not 4 or 8 but 6. Steð 4© Locatå RCP/Í - [XBBSÝ v2.3® Iî fronô oæ thaô puô the name of your system in. ie: Northridge Systems RCP/M - [XBBS] v2.3 Iæ  yoõ arå noô aî RCP/Í yoõ maù deletå  RCP/M» BUÔ the [XBBS] v2.2 must remain in place. Š Now you are ALMOST ready to compile the program. You still have 2 things left to do. 1) Remove the remark statement from the line at the top that reads: 'USER%=0:CALL USER(USER%) note: If your system user call is USR replace CALL USER with CALL USR. 2© Deletå linå 10000® Thió linå ió aî intentionaì BASCOM fataì  error®  Iô ió placå therå tï seå iæ yoõ  reaä this documentation. If you saw it you either didn't read this or you forgot to take it out. In any case it MUST be removed. Now save your modified program in ASCII. ie: SAVE"XBBSV23.BAS",A COMPILING: Steð 1© Foò Z-8° users»  ruî BASCOÍ usinç  thå  /O/X/Ú switches. For non-Z-80 use drop the Z switch. Steð 2© Linë thå resultanô REÌ filå witè L8° anä OBSLIB.REL, incorporatinç the XBBSUSER.REL file (supplied). note: This file forces the system to always look at user area 0 regardless of what user area you are on for the user list; counters and associated files. Your command line for linking (assuming all pgms. for linking are on your A>) should look like this. A>L80 XBBSV23,XBBSUSER,OBSLIB/S,XBBS/N/E You will now have a running COM file of the program. [MORE TO FOLLOW] Š BYE MODIFICATIONS: You must have your BYE program clear the $ that was put into RT as the return flag. Step 1) In the general equate area, add 1 more. RTFLG EQU 0FA10H (your memory location). Step 2) Find out where BYE clears the option flags. In BYE2 and MBYE-33 it's at label START2. The area should look something like this: START2: XRA A STA OPTION ;clear options Alì yoõ neeä dï ió tï adä ouò returî flaç equ to that area. ie: START2: XRA A STA OPTION ;clear options STA RTFLG ;clear XBBS return flag. This MUST be done in order to allow a new user to log in, else [XBBS] will continue to welcome back the same user forever. That is all there is to the Installation of the program!. OPERATING FILES: Must files: INFO; BULLETIN; NEWCOM; MRH; MSH; MENU; ENTERCPM. Thå  abovå fileó havå beeî supplied®  Thå MRH»  MSH»  MENÕ  fileó shoulä bå lefô aó theù are®  Thå otheró arå supplieä aó examples® Modifù  theí  foò youò systeí anä taste®  Alì fileó  arå  withouô extensions. [MORE TO FOLLOW] Š SYSOP FUNCTIONS: Afteò logginç iî aó thå sysop¬  ieº  SYSOÐ Password=>ABCDEFGH At the command line you have the following added options. L,Z,P,D,Q. L= List todays callers. (erase each day) Z= List comments file. (erase each day) P= Change a users password. You do this by request or to LOCK out a user. Pick a 6 character password that you want to use as a lock out key. When you get a twit to log on; change his password to your selected password to prevent him from logging in. *****CAUTION***** Selecô anä uså onlù ± locë ouô password® Iô getó used in the XBBS23UT utility program. D= Date function. You must enter the date as 10-DEC-84 This is a manual date function and again the utility makes use of the date in THAT style to purge users. Entereä iî anù otheò forí thå utilitù aó writteî will not work. Check out the utility source code and you'll see why. JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC Q= List the xmodem.log (on A: user area 0) RTC: You'll have to insert your own RTC code into both message system and utility. Also¬ logginç oî aó thå sysop¬ yoõ arå ablå tï reaä anä kilì ALÌ messages»  privatå oò puplic® Privatå messageó arå denoteä bù an * to the sidd of the subject. XBBS23UT.BAS UTILITY Locatå  aô  thå toð oæ thå prograí thå  equaô  LCK$="ABCDEF"® Changå thaô valuå tï YOUÒ locë ouô password®  Locatå CLS¤ anä puô in your screen clear code or codes. Compile if desired (I do). Functions: P,U,B,R,E P= Purge the message and summary files. U= Purge the user file. This should be done once a month. Users that don't call back in 30 days will be deleted and the file packed. Users that have been locked out will be deleted as well. After 3 or 4 times of use, all of your frequent callers will be at the top of the list and there user number will not change. Upon use; post a bulletin that the list has been purged anä tï receivå therå ne÷ numbeò, log on with there first and last name. A minor inconvinence for fast log on's. Š B= Build a summary file from the message file. This should only be used in the event that your summary file gets trashed. You will use the P function more than you'll use this one. R= Reset your counters. E= Exit to CP/M É  hopå  thaô thió documentatioî haó beeî oæ helð tï yoõ  iî gettinç  started®  Enjoù beinç á SYSOP!®  Anù questionó abouô thå prograí  shoulä  bå senô tï må aô thå numbeò aô thå toð  oæ  thió doc. Good Luck, Robert Crump