'QBYCK.INC 'version 1.00 'Lee McEwen 24 July 1989 'Include file for QBBS ' This file defines the check for the existance of BYE for QBBS ' modules. 'Variables: ' CMD = BDOS command ' DAT = BDOS command data ' MXML = location in BYE for maximum time allowed ' NULLS = number of nulls ' RES = BDOS result ' SMX = maximum time allowed (value of MXML) ' (also used as temporary integer) ' VERS$ = version number ' WRTLOC = write lock CMD = 32 DAT = 241 RES = 0 CALL BDOS(CMD,DAT,RES) 'do bye check IF RES <> 77_ THEN PRINT VERS$;_ CRLF$;"USE BYE E command":_ END BYE = PEEK(2) * 256 + PEEK(1) - 2 BYE = PEEK(BYE + 1) * 256 + PEEK(BYE) + 6 NULLS = BYE + 3 WRTLOC = BYE + 6 LCPTR = BYE+15 MXML = BYE + 18 SMX = PEEK(MXML) 'End QBYCHK.INC