{ 8/8/86 Pascal Integrated Communications System } {Installation and editor for File Sections, Message Areas and Articles.} Program Install_sections; const fname='SECTION.BB#'; version='1.0'; ver_date='8/8/86'; type str10=string[10]; strpr=string[50]; str12=string[12]; Section_rec= record drive:char; user:integer; accs:integer; confnum:integer; name:str12; desc:strpr; mode:char; end; var sect_file,temp_file: file of Section_rec; sec_rec,temp_rec:Section_rec; rec,i,n,x,num,err,ednum,msg_area,hi_num,lo_num:integer; OK,edit,add,delete,found:boolean; cur_mode,ch,dr:char; reply:str10; work:strpr; new_name:str12; line:string[80]; procedure Display; begin found:=false; with sec_rec do begin rec:=0; hi_num:=0; lo_num:=1000; seek(sect_file,rec); if (cur_mode<>'Q') then begin writeln; writeln; write(' '); case cur_mode of 'M' : writeln('MESSAGE AREAS'); 'F' : writeln('FILE AREAS'); 'A' : writeln('ARTICLES'); end; writeln(line); write(' # '); if (cur_mode<>'M') then write('D/U '); write('accs '); if (cur_mode='A') then writeln(' Filename Title') else writeln(' Name Cn Description'); writeln(line); end; while (not eof(sect_file)) and (cur_mode<>'Q') do begin read(sect_file,sec_rec); if mode=cur_mode then begin found:=true; write(rec:3,' '); if cur_mode<>'M' then begin write(drive,':'); write(user:2,' '); end; write(accs:3,' ',name:12); if confnum>0 then write(confnum:2) else write(' '); writeln(' ',desc); if lo_num>rec then lo_num:=rec; if hi_nummsg_area) then msg_area:=user; rec:=succ(rec); end; if (not found) and (cur_mode<>'Q') then writeln('No Entries Found'); end; end; Procedure get_reply; begin if OK then begin reply:=''; write(' > '); readln(reply); val(reply,num,err); if (length(reply)>=1) and (err<>0) then ch:=upcase(reply[1]) else ch:=' '; if (ch=' ') and (err<>0) and (cur_mode<>'X') then OK:=false; if (cur_mode<>'X') then writeln; end; end; begin {install} clrscr; writeln; writeln('Pascal Integrated Communications System'); writeln(' Version ',version,' ',ver_date); writeln; line:='------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; Assign(sect_file,fname); {$I-} Reset(sect_file); {$I+} OK:=(IOresult=0); If OK then begin {file exists} repeat OK:=true; msg_area:=0; add:=false; edit:=false; delete:=false; writeln; writeln(' EDITING PICS SYSTEM SETUP FILE '); writeln; writeln; writeln(' .....Message Areas.'); writeln(' .....File Sections.'); writeln(' .....Articles.'); writeln(' ....Finished.'); writeln; write(' Enter letter'); get_reply; if ( ch in ['A','F','M']) and (reply<>'') then cur_mode:=ch else cur_mode:='Q'; display; If (cur_mode<>'Q') and OK then begin if found then begin writeln; write(' dd, elete, dit, to exit'); get_reply; end else ch:='A'; if (ch in ['A','D','E']) and (reply<>'') then begin add:=false; edit:=false; delete:=false; case ch of 'A' : add:=true; 'D' : delete:=true; 'E' : edit:=true; end; end else OK:=false; end; if OK and (cur_mode<>'Q') then begin repeat writeln; if add and OK then begin sec_rec.mode:=cur_mode; writeln; writeln; write('ADDING '); case cur_mode of 'M' : write('MESSAGE'); 'F' : write('FILE'); 'A' : write('ARTICLE'); end; writeln(' ENTRY. to exit.'); writeln; end else If delete and OK then begin if found then begin repeat writeln; write('Number to Delete to exit'); get_reply; until (not OK) or (reply='') or ((num>=lo_num) and (num<=hi_num)); if reply='' then ok:=false; end else OK:=false; if OK then begin writeln; writeln('Please wait...Deleting entry.'); writeln; assign(temp_file,'SECTION.$$$'); rewrite(temp_file); for x:=0 to num-1 do begin seek(sect_file,x); read(sect_file,sec_rec); write(temp_file,sec_rec); end; for x:=num+1 to filesize(sect_file)-1 do begin seek(sect_file,x); read(sect_file,sec_rec); write(temp_file,sec_rec); end; close(temp_file); close(sect_file); erase(sect_file); rename(temp_file,fname); reset(sect_file); display; end; end else if (edit) and OK then begin repeat writeln; write('Number to Edit, to exit'); get_reply; until (reply='') or ((num>=lo_num) and (num<=hi_num)) or (not OK); if ok and (reply<>'') then begin ednum:=num; writeln;writeln; write('EDITING '); case cur_mode of 'M' : write('MESSAGE'); 'F' : write('FILE'); 'A' : write('ARTICLE'); end; writeln(' ENTRY, if OK'); writeln; seek(sect_file,ednum); read(sect_file,sec_rec); end else OK:=false; end else OK:=false; {fall through} if (not delete) and OK then begin if OK then begin if cur_mode<>'A' then write('Name') else write('Filename'); if edit then write(' [',sec_rec.name,'] > ') else write(' > '); write('|------------|'); for i:=1 to 13 do write(chr(8)); readln(new_name); if new_name<>'' then begin for n:=1 to length(new_name) do new_name[n]:=upcase(new_name[n]); sec_rec.name:=new_name; end else if add then OK:=false; writeln; end; if OK then begin if edit then begin if cur_mode<>'A' then write('Description ') else write('Article Title '); writeln(' [',sec_rec.desc,']') end; write('Description > |--------------------------------------------------|'); for i:=1 to 51 do write(chr(8)); readln(work); if work<>'' then sec_rec.desc:=work else if add then OK:=false; end; if OK and (cur_mode<>'M') then begin writeln; write('Drive letter (A-P)'); if edit then write(' [',sec_rec.drive,']'); get_reply; if OK and (ch in ['A'..'P']) and (reply<>'') then sec_rec.drive:=ch else if add then OK:=false; end else sec_rec.drive:=' '; if OK and (cur_mode<>'M') then begin write('User Area (0-15)'); if edit then write(' [',sec_rec.user,']'); get_reply; if OK and (reply<>'') then sec_rec.user:=num else if add then OK:=false; end else if add then sec_rec.user:=msg_area+1; if OK then begin write('Access level required (0-255)'); if edit then write(' [',sec_rec.accs,']'); get_reply; if OK and (reply<>'') then sec_rec.accs:=num else if add then OK:=false; end; if Ok then begin if cur_mode<>'A' then begin write('Will it be a conference (Y/N)'); if edit then begin if sec_rec.confnum>0 then write(' [Y]') else write(' [N]'); end; get_reply; if edit and (reply='') then if sec_rec.confnum>0 then ch:='Y' else ch:='N'; if OK and (ch='Y') then begin write('Enter conference number (1-7)'); if edit and (sec_rec.confnum>0) then write(' [',sec_rec.confnum,']'); get_reply; if ok and (reply<>'') then sec_rec.confnum:=num else if add then OK:=false; end else sec_rec.confnum:=0; end; end; if OK then begin if add then seek(sect_file,filesize(sect_file)) else seek(sect_file,ednum); write(sect_file,sec_rec); if edit or add then display; end; end; {not delete} until (not OK); end; {OK to edit or add} until cur_mode='Q'; close(sect_file); end else {file doesn't exist} begin OK:=true; cur_mode:='X'; Writeln(' PICS Sections file not found -- Creating new file.'); writeln; Rewrite(sect_file); writeln('The following Message Areas and File Sections are required.'); writeln('All newly created entries may be edited later by re-running'); writeln('the program on the new file.'); writeln; writeln('Two Message Area entries will be generated without asking questions.'); writeln('Then there will be three File Section entries where you will be '); writeln('asked for Drive and User information for your system.'); writeln; write('Press Return to continue...'); readln(reply); writeln; writeln('Creating Message Area: SYSTEM'); Writeln(' Description : System global message area.'); Writeln(' Access Level: 250'); writeln; with sec_rec do begin drive:=' '; user:=0; accs:=250; confnum:=0; name:='SYSTEM'; Desc:='System Message Area'; mode:='M'; end; write(sect_file,sec_rec); writeln; Writeln('Creating Message Area: POST'); writeln(' Description : Initial area for entering messages.'); writeln(' Access Level: 0'); writeln; with sec_rec do begin drive:=' '; user:=1; accs:=0; confnum:=0; name:='POST'; Desc:='Initial Area for entering messages'; mode:='M'; end; write(sect_file,sec_rec); writeln; writeln('Creating File Section: SYSTEM'); writeln(' Description : System Command and data files.'); writeln(' Access Level: 250'); writeln; with sec_rec do begin repeat write(' Drive where System files will reside [A-J]'); get_reply; until (ch in ['A'..'J']); drive:=ch; repeat write(' User area where System files will reside [0-15]'); get_reply; until (num in [0..15]); user:=num; accs:=250; confnum:=0; {no conference} name:='SYSTEM'; Desc:='System Command and Data Files'; mode:='F'; end; write(sect_file,sec_rec); writeln; writeln('Creating File Section: LOGIN'); writeln(' Description : Initial Section for file access.'); writeln(' Access Level: 0'); writeln; with sec_rec do begin repeat write(' Drive where you want this Section [A-J]'); get_reply; until (ch in ['A'..'J']); drive:=ch; repeat write(' User Area where you want this Section [0-15]'); get_reply; until (num in [0..15]); user:=num; accs:=0; confnum:=0; name:='LOGIN'; Desc:='Initial Section for file access'; mode:='F'; end; write(sect_file,sec_rec); writeln; writeln('Creating File Section: NEWIN'); writeln(' Description : Section for new uploaded files.'); writeln(' Access Level: 20'); writeln; with sec_rec do begin repeat write(' Drive where you want this Section [A-J]'); get_reply; until (ch in ['A'..'J']); drive:=ch; repeat write(' User Area where you want this Section [0-15]'); get_reply; until (num in [0..15]); user:=num; accs:=20; confnum:=0; name:='NEWIN'; Desc:='New Uploaded Files Section'; mode:='F'; end; write(sect_file,sec_rec); writeln; close(sect_file); writeln('New file ',fname,' Created'); end; end.