10/16/86 This demonstration file contains a compiled version of PICS with the dummy I/O routines that don't talk to a modem or serial port. In addition, the NORTC.CLK (no clock) has been included to simulate a clock and prevent problems with your clock, if you have one. Run the included DEMOINST.COM program to configure PICSDEMO.COM for your terminal. A sample file SECTION.BB# (generated with the SETUP.COM program) has been included. It expects to read and write messages and files to the A drive, although PICSDEMO.COM doesn't have to be run from that drive. Just be sure that drive A is available. Even though this demonstration program is ready to run, you MUST read the documentation files to know how to operate it from the Sysop level. The program WORKS!, but only if the instructions are followed. The DEMOINST.XXX programs may be deleted after installing your terminal parameters into PICSDEMO.COM. The PICSDEMO.000-PICSDEMO.003 files are the overlays that PICSDEMO.COM uses, and must be present in the same Drive/User Area. The files SECTION.BB# and SYSMSG.BB# must also be present when PICSDEMO.COM is run. The first time the program is run, it will create all of the required support files needed. These may be used later when you re-compile PICS with your own I/O and Modem and Clock routines. Les Archambault