{PICSVAR.INC Pascal Integrated Communications System } { 5/25/87 vers 1.6 Copyright 1987 by Les Archambault } var debug:boolean; { System message global } SysmBase : SysmPtr; { Start of linked list } Cmd_Queue : StrStd; { for multiple commands} Mult_cmds : boolean; { true when mult cmds exist} { Section globals } SectBase : SectPtr; { Start of linked list } SectReq : filename; { Section name } { Articles globals } Artbase : ArtPtr; { start of linked list} { Message area globals } AreaBase : AreaPtr; { Start of linked list } AreaReq : filename; { Message area name } AreaSet : integer; { Current message area } { Directory globals } DirBase : FilePtr; { Start of linked list } DirEntries, { Count of directory entries } DirSpace : integer; { Disk space used } { Library globals } LibBase : FilePtr; { Start of linked list } LibEntries, { Count of library entries } LibSpace : integer; { Space used } LibReq : FileName; { Library name } { Arc globals} ArcBase : FilePtr; ArcEntries, ArcSpace : integer; ArcReq : FileName; Hdr : Heads; ArcPtr : integer; ArcBuf : Record_Array; HdrVer : Byte; Endfile : boolean; { Message system globals } MesgBase, MesgLast, MesgCurr: MesgPtr; { Pointers } temp_hi_lmr, { Storage for lmr} msg_all, { Public message count } msg_ind, { Private message count } msg_aut, { Authored message count } msg_sys, { Sysop viewable message count } msg_hi,msg_lo : integer; { High-low message numbers } nonstop : boolean; { continuous reading flag} { System globals } abort, { used to set brk from pause} audit_on, { Audit file enabled } case_lock, { Convert output to upper case } clock, { tells whether clock present} cold, { Cold start } connected, { Connection established } delay_down, { Shutdown between users } fini, { Finished with PICS } in_library, { Library/section switch } in_arc, { Arc/switch} in_use, { Successful login } local_copy, { Console display } local_online, { Local use allowed } new_dir, { New section or library selected } noisy, { Prompt bell enable } chat_ok, { allow chat function} op_chat, { Operator requested chat } printer_copy, { Printer display } remote_copy, { Remote display } remote_online, { Remote use allowed } st_switch, { Size/time switch } up_down_display, { Up/download display } restrict300, { on/off flag} auto_macro, { on/off flag} macro_in_progress, { set while macro running} macro_file_exists, { alt. macro in text file} limit_lines, { on/off flag} restrict_public, { public msgs have to by approved} extra_time_sw, { extra time on sys on/off} valid_pw : boolean; { Correct password flag } ch : char; { Input character } HomDrv, HomUsr, { Default drive/user } RcvDrv, RcvUsr, { Upload drive/user } SetDrv, SetUsr, { User selected drive/user } AudDrv, Audusr, { Audit file drive/user} user_loc, { Location in data file of user record } time_on, time_left, extra_time, { Timers } timeout,sleepy_time, mode, { Current mode of operation } free_space, { Space remaining on current drive } start_restrict300, { hour to start restrictions} end_restrict300, { hour to end restrictions} auto_macro_start, { hour to start auto macro process} macro_done, { last day macro operated} max_msg_lines, { max. number of lines allowed} up_down_ratio, { numerator of ratio ie. 20:1} val_acc, { validated user access level} uval_acc, { unvalidated} uval_time, { same for unvalidated users} val_time, { time on sys limit - validated} chatstart, { hour sysop available} chatend, { end of chat available} unv_days, { retention of user listing} val_days, { retention of val users} unr_days, { message retention} rea_days, { same for after read} max_tries, { counter} maxfree_uplds,maxfree_logs, { variables to shut off or limit} maxfree_mslimit,maxfree_lines, { functions when too little disk} maxfree_abs, { space is left} extra_time_val,extra_time_start, { for extra time on system} extra_time_stop, rate : integer; { Current bps rate } lps, { loops per second for timers} hour_count, { counts hours for no clock people} time_adjust, { no clock routines} input_time : real; { for input timout routine} st : StrPr; macro, { Automatic 'keyboard' input } next_inpstr : StrStd; { Input string - used for word wrap } global_date, { For systems without real time clock } login_t : tad_array; { Login time } { Files } user_rec : user_list; sysm_rec : sysm_list; sysm_file : file of sysm_list; summ_rec : summ_list; summ_file : file of summ_list; mesg_rec : mesg_list; mesg_file : file of mesg_list; logr_rec : logr_list; logr_file : file of logr_list; stat_rec : stat_list; stat_file : file of stat_list; nwin_rec : nwin_list; nwin_file : file of nwin_list; libr_file : file; Arc_File : file; AuditFile : text; Config_file : text; Macro_File : text; {end of PICSvar.inc }