{ PICS3A.INC Pascal Integrated Communications System commands processor } { 6/8/87 vers 1.6 Copyright 1987 by Les Archambault.} Overlay Procedure Set_Initial_areas; var drive,user:integer; begin if (not macro_in_progress) and online then begin pause; list('B'); pause; repeat until (not BRK) or (not online); end; if user_rec.access >= 250 then begin FindSect('NEWIN',Drive,User,OK); SectReq:='NEWIN'; SetDrv:=Drive; SetUsr:=User; mesg_area_change('SYSTEM'); end else begin FindSect('LOGIN',Drive,User,OK); SectReq:='LOGIN'; SetDrv:=Drive; SetUsr:=User; mesg_area_change('POST'); end; end; Overlay Procedure Check_time; {checks time on system and time left} begin timer(time_on, time_left); if time_left <= 0 then begin writeln(USR, 'Access time expired. Please call back tomorrow.', BEL, BEL, BEL); remote_online := FALSE end else if time_left <= 5 then writeln(USR, 'Less than 5 minutes of access time left. Please finish up.', BEL); end; Overlay Procedure Make_Prompt; begin st := intstr(time_left, 1) + '-' + pr_msg[mode]; case mode of message_mode: st := st + ' ' + AreaReq; files_mode : begin st := st + ' ' + SectReq; if in_library then st := st + ' [' + LibReq + ']'; if in_arc then st:=st+' ['+ArcReq+']'; if new_dir then directory; if up_down_display then begin Repeat until (not BRK) or (not online); ReadDir(direntries,dirspace,dirbase); directory; writeln(usr); writeln(USR, user_rec.upload, ' uploads, ', user_rec.download, ' downloads to date.'); up_down_display := FALSE; end; end; end; if (user_rec.access>=250) and Audit_on then st:=st+' (Audit ON) '; end; Overlay Procedure Write_status_line; begin putstat(user_rec.fn + ' ' + user_rec.ln + ' ' + user_rec.cy + ', ' + user_rec.st + ' Access: ' + intstr(user_rec.access, 1) + ' On: ' + intstr((time_on+user_rec.time_today), 1) + ' Heap: ' + intstr(MaxAvail, 1)); end; overlay procedure Process_messages; begin case ch of 'A': Articles; 'C': mesg_area_change(''); 'E': begin mesg_enter(' '); mesg_build_index(AreaSet); end; 'F': begin clear_heaps; if in_library then LibReadDir(LibEntries,LibSpace,LibBase) else if in_arc then ArcReadDir(ArcEntries,ArcSpace,ArcBase) else ReadDir(direntries,dirspace,dirbase); new_dir:=false; mode := files_mode; end; 'G': in_use := FALSE; 'Q': mesg_quick_scan; 'R': mesg_read; 'S': mesg_summary; 'U': begin clear_heaps; mode := utility_mode; end; 'X': if (user_rec.access >= 250) or (not remote_copy) then begin clear_heaps; mode := sysop_mode; end; 'B', 'I': list(ch); 'O': List_file('OTHERSYS.LST',homdrv,homusr) else begin list('M'); if (not macro_in_progress) then begin mult_cmds:=false; cmd_queue:=''; end; end; end; end; Overlay procedure Process_files; begin if (st[1]='S') and (user_rec.access= 250) or (not remote_copy) then begin if in_library then library; if in_arc then arc; clear_heaps; mode := sysop_mode; end; 'Z': toggle_st_switch else begin list('F'); if user_rec.access>=250 then list('Z'); if (not macro_in_progress) then begin mult_cmds:=false; cmd_queue:=''; end; end; end; end; Overlay procedure process_utility; Begin case ch of 'A': alter_user_params; 'C': if chat then mesg_enter('S'); 'F': begin clear_heaps; if in_library then LibReadDir(Libentries,Libspace,Libbase) else if in_arc then ArcReadDir(ArcEntries,ArcSpace,ArcBase) else ReadDir(direntries,dirspace,dirbase); new_dir:=false; mode := files_mode; end; 'G': in_use := FALSE; 'M': begin clear_heaps; mesg_build_index(areaset); mode := message_mode; end; 'S': display_stats; 'T': display_time; 'U': display_users; 'Y': show_user_stats; 'X': begin if (user_rec.access >= 250) or (not remote_copy) then mode := sysop_mode; end else begin list('U'); if (not macro_in_progress) then begin mult_cmds:=false; cmd_queue:=''; end; end; end; end; Overlay procedure process_sysop; Begin case ch of 'A': toggle_audit; 'B': Make_message; 'C': config_sys; 'D': delete_user; 'E': edit_user('',''); 'F': begin clear_heaps; mode:=files_mode; if in_library then LibReadDir(Libentries,Libspace,Libbase) else if in_arc then ArcReadDir(ArcEntries,ArcSpace,ArcBase) else ReadDir(direntries,dirspace,dirbase); new_dir:=false; end; 'G': in_use := FALSE; 'I': rebuild_index; 'L': print_log; 'M': begin clear_heaps; mesg_build_index(areaset); mode := message_mode; end; 'N': process_newin; 'O': process_macro; 'P': purge_files; 'R': print_messages; 'S': sys_dir; 'T': toggle_printer; 'U': mode := utility_mode; 'V': validate_user else begin list('X'); if (not macro_in_progress) then begin mult_cmds:=false; cmd_queue:=''; end; end; end; end; Overlay Procedure Exit_system; begin if in_library then library; if in_arc then arc; if audit_on then toggle_audit; if (user_rec.fn <> 'SYSOP') and online then if not valid_pw then mesg_enter('S') else if ask('Do you have a message for the sysop') then mesg_enter('S'); wrapup; setup; end; overlay procedure check_300_restrict; var t:tad_array; begin gettad(t); if (rate=300) and (restrict300) and (t[2]>start_restrict300) and (t[2]