; ; Terminal xxx ; esc equ 27 pnztcap:db 'ANSI_PC_COLOR' ; Name of terminal (13 bytes) p13: db pgoeld-pnztcap ; Offset to GOELD p14: db 10000000b ; Extended TCAP ; P15 b0 Standout 0 = Half-Intensity, 1 = Reverse Video ; P15 b1 Power Up Delay 0 = None, 1 = 10-second delay ; P15 b2 No Wrap 0 = Line Wrap, 1 = No Wrap ; P15 b3 No Scroll 0 = Scroll, 1 = No Scroll ; P15 b4 ANSI 0 = ASCII, 1 = ANSI p15: db 00010000b db 'E'-'@' ; Cursor up db 'X'-'@' ; Cursor down db 'D'-'@' ; Cursor right db 'S'-'@' ; Cursor left db 0 ; Cl delay db 0 ; Cm delay db 0 ; Ce delay ; Strings start here. pcl: db esc,'[H',esc,'[2J',0 ; Cl string 0 db esc,'[%i%d;%dH',0 ; Cm string 1 db esc,'[K',0 ; Ce string 2 db esc,'[1;37;44m',0 ; So string 3 db esc,'[;37;44m',0 ; Se string 4 db esc,'[;37;44m',0 ; Ti string 5 db 0 ; Te string 6 ; ; Extensions to Standard Z3TCAP pld: db esc,'[1M',0 ; Line Delete 7 pli: db esc,'[1L',0 ; Line Insert 8 pcd: db esc,'[J',0 ; Clear to end of screen 9 ; Set Attribute strings once again included. psa: db esc,'[%+0m',0 ; Set Attributes 10 pat: db '0574',0 ; Attributes 11 ; These two allow reading the Terminal's screen. prc: db 0 ; Read current cursor position 12 prl: db 0 ; Read line until cursor 13 ; Graphics start here. pgoeld: db 0 ; On/Off Delay 0 ; Graphics strings offset from Delay value. db 0 ; Graphics On 1 db 0 ; Graphics Off 2 db 0 ; Cursor Off 3 db 0 ; Cursor On 4 db 0c9h ; GULC - Upper Left Corner [*] db 0bbh ; GURC - Upper Right Corner [*] db 0c8h ; GLLC - Lower Left Corner [*] db 0bch ; GLRC - Lower Right Corner [*] db 0cdh ; GHL - Horizontal Line [-] db 0bah ; GVL - Vertical Line [|] db 0dbh ; GFB - Full Block String [*] db 0b1h ; GHB - Hashed Block String [#] db 0cbh ; GUI - Upper Intersection [+] db 0cah ; GLI - Lower Intersection [+] db 0ceh ; GIS - Intersection [+] db 0b9h ; GRTI - Right Intersection [+] db 0cch ; GLTI - Left Intersection [+] end