; Allows remote user to change the number of nulls sent ; ; Requires EMXSUBS.REL ; ; (c)1984 Simon J. Ewins ; ; .Z80 ASEG ORG 100H ; JP START ; INCLUDE EMXHDR.MAC ; Need the addresses ; INCLUDE GETTIM.MAC ; Need these addresses too ; START:: CALL PRINT DB CR,LF,LF DB 'You are currently set to ',0 LD A,(NULLS) LD H,0 LD L,A CALL PB2ASC CALL PRINT DB ' nulls.',0 ; CALL PRINT DB CR,LF DB 'How many nulls do you need (0-50)? ',0 LD B,2 LD A,0 LD D,A LD C,A CALL INPUT OR A JR NZ,CNULL CALL PRINT DB CR,LF,LF DB 'Nulls set to ',0 LD A,(NULLS) LD H,0 LD L,A CALL PB2ASC CALL PRINT DB ' .....',0 JP 0 ; CNULL:: LD (CNVRT0+1),A ; Set number characters to convert PUSH HL POP IX ; Pointer to ix CALL CNVRT0 ; Make string binary number LD A,L AND A ; Clear carry LD DE,51 PUSH HL SBC HL,DE POP HL JP NC,START ; Over 50 so no good LD A,L ; NULDN:: LD (NULLS),A JP START ; END