10 REM This program is written for MBASIC ver 5.21. 20 REM To check it out, save it with the ,P option, 30 REM then LOAD it, try to list it (fails), RUN it 40 REM and try LIST again (works). 50 REM 60 PRINT"This is an UNPROTECT-program..." 70 PRINT"It will, when run, unprotect itself." 80 PRINT"Presently, it will run only on MBASIC 5.21" 90 PRINT 100 PRINT"Enter a decimal address where you know are at least 11 bytes" 110 INPUT "free for temporary storage : ";A 120 PRINT 130 REM this is the code to UNprotect a loaded file: 140 REM 150 REM mvi a,31h 160 REM sta 803h <= may be different in other versions 170 REM xra a 180 REM sta 0bech <= " " " " " " 190 REM ret 200 REM 210 REM call the above routine wherever you loaded it 220 REM by 1) setting a variable to the address and 230 REM 2) calling it with CALL . 240 REM you can UNprotect lots of files this way; you 250 REM don't have to enter the routine or reload MBASIC. 260 REM 270 FOR I=0 TO 9 280 READ N 290 POKE A+I,N 300 NEXT 310 CALL A 320 PRINT:PRINT 330 PRINT"The file is now UNprotected - try it by LISTing..." 340 END 350 DATA &H3E,&H31,&H32,3,8,&HAF,&H32,&HEC,&H0B,&HC9